Passion 2019 – 58 Quotes On Fathers, Anxiety, Divorce And Suicide From Louie Giglio’s Opening Session

Tonight launched Passion 2019 in Atlanta, Washington DC, and Dallas.  Founded in 1997 by Louie Giglio, this is the largest gathering of next generation Christians in the world.  40,000 students attended via four live sites.  Atlanta hosted two venues.  As always, the event’s focus is on lifting up the name of Jesus and making His name famous.  Another of the things that makes Passion unique is worship and justice are two sides of the same coin.

Louie opened the event with an incredible message focused on fathers, divorce, anxiety, iPhones and suicide.  It was as brave, relevant and important a message as I have ever heard.

The following are 58 Quotes On Fathers, Anxiety, Divorce And Suicide From Louie Giglio’s Opening Session:

  1. As long as you’re still breathing God has a plan for your life.
  2. I matter most when I make what matters most the center of my life.
  3. Before we can be sent out to be agents of the change to the world, we must first know we are seen by God.
  4. We are real people who are trusting God to do BIG things in our lives.
  5. God is big enough to change your story.
  6. Passion got its start in the great state of Texas.
  7. It’s all about Jesus if you’re new to Passion.
  8. Life change is not about hearing something. It’s about seeing and receiving something.
  9. 18 to 25 year-olds are the prized demographic.
  10. The secret to Passion is Jesus.
  11. In 2007, when the iPhone was introduced to world (one of the two things that changed your world).
  12. In 2010, the state of the New York was the last state in America to pass a no-fault divorce law.
  13. There is a father issue in the world and there is a phone issue in the world.
  14. The phone put good and evil at our fingertips.
  15. It is far more normal that there is not a father in the home bringing stability to the home.
  16. We all live in an uber-anxiety world.
  17. The suicide rate in America is causing the average life expectancy rate to drop for the first time in 60 years.
  18. I know God is still alive and God has a plan.
  19. Jesus wants to interrupt your funeral plans.
  20. I want to speak life into an anxiety-ridden generation.
  21. It’s like we sat at a table and pulled up a chair and said to anxiety, “You can sit here.”
  22. Enough is enough. Anxiety has had a big enough place at our table.  Jesus is still alive from the dead.  And He can set you free.
  23. No-fault divorce is a misnomer… There is no no-fault anything. It creates a crater and leaves a gap.
  24. The phone is a beacon of terror.
  25. Before God can send you anywhere, He sees you right where you are, just like you are.
  26. You are a loved son and a loved daughter of a perfect Father.
  27. When the Spirit of God comes into you, you are no longer a slave. You are a son or daughter of God.
  28. Our primary relationship with God is a relationship between a father and a child.
  29. My father is the boss of the universe. I revere Him and stand in awe of Him but He is my father.
  30. There is an enemy that has a plan for you.
  31. The enemy’s plan has been to shatter fatherhood.
  32. The enemy says, “If I shatter the father they will have a jacked-up process relating to you.”
  33. The Gospel gives us a beautiful hope or a brand, new birth.
  34. The Gospel means “Good News”.
  35. Sin did not make us bad people. Sin made us dead people.
  36. He sent His Son into the world not to make bad people good but make dead people alive.
  37. Even our best fathers weren’t perfect but if you have a good one you should text him tonight and tell him you love him.
  38. There are people in the room with an absentee father.
  39. There are people in the room with an abusive father.
  40. There are people in the room with an antagonistic father.
  41. There are people in the room with a passive dad.
  42. There are people in the room with the performance-based dad.
  43. There are people in the room with an empowering dad.
  44. Born Again means getting another chance… A brand new family tree.
  45. This Dad is not a picture of your dad. He is the perfect picture of your dad.
  46. This Dad is everything you wanted and more.
  47. We’re talking about releasing the past to God.
  48. If you continually to focus mostly on the past, you are creating a roadway in your mind that left you lost and broken.
  49. On that cross Jesus Christ was forsaken by His Father so that you would never have to be forsaken by Yours.
  50. I am worth Jesus to my Father.
  51. We are starving for the affection and the love and the participation of our daddy.
  52. I need the affection of my dad. I need the presence and participation of my dad.  I need to know my dad is proud of me and he still thinks about me.
  53. In a real broken world, Jesus put you in another family tree. It is so powerful you can get what you need from a Father in Heaven.
  54. Everything He’s got is yours. Everything He has belongs to you.
  55. You are no longer a slave to divorce.
  56. You are no longer a slave to the sins of your father.
  57. You are no longer a slave to feeling like you have to earn a father’s affection. You have your Father’s affection.
  58. “Even if my father and mother forsake me, the Lord will take me up.” – Psalm 27:10


Brian Dodd

Brian Dodd is the author and content coordinator for Brian Dodd On Leadership. In addition to overseeing this site's content, Brian is Director of New Ministry Partnerships for INJOY Stewardship Solutions where he helps churches develop cultures of generosity. Brian has also authored the critically-acclaimed book The 10 Indispensable Practices Of The 2-Minute Leader.