Click the image to learn more about Church Fuel’s Coaching Programs

Before getting to this week’s Top 10 list, I want to make you aware of my latest strategic partner Church Fuel.  Running a healthy and growing church is a challenge that can overwhelm even the most seasoned leaders.  In addition to preaching, leading, and serving, you’re probably responsible for strategy, finances, and processes. These are the things most pastors don’t learn in seminary.

That’s why Church Fuel offers insanely practical help for pastors and church leaders.  The bottom line…Church Fuel works!  Led by my longtime friend Michael Lukaszewski, I deeply believe in the organization’s ability to serve pastors and church leaders.

To get you started, the following are some FREE resources they are currently offering:

  • The Senior Pastor’s Guide to Reaching More People. This is one of their most popular free resources and it helps churches that want to reach people, work on outreach, or invite more people to church. Click HERE to get your complimentary resource.
  • The Senior pastor’s Guide to Leading a Staff.  This free resource is full of practical help on leading a team, running great meetings, and getting staff alignment.  Click HERE to get your complimentary resource.
  • The Pastor’s Toolbox. This free resource lists 25 recommended apps, products or services for church leaders. It’s a great resource to recommended to a general audience. Click HERE or on the image provided to get your complimentary resource.

Church Fuel’s best resource is their membership program which costs $49 or $99 per month.  I cannot recommend enough you take advantage of Church Fuel’s online coaching programs.  They are incredible.  Click HERE  or on the image above to learn more.  You will not be disappointed.

The following are some very popular posts from the previous week you may have missed:

Now as promised, the following are The Top 10 Leadership Posts I Read The Week Of September 9th:

  1. Powerful Currents To Saturate Your City For Christ With Tim Lucas by Rich Birch
  2. 10 Sayings That Reveal The Heart Of Courage In A Leader by Scott Cochrane
  3. The Secret To Leading High Achievers by Phil Cooke
  4. When You’re Completely Spent And Have No To Show For It by Brandon A. Cox
  5. 6 Reasons We Shouldn’t Set Apart New Believers As Pastors by Chuck Lawless
  6. The Liabilities Of Being A Perfectionist by Shawn Lovejoy via
  7. The World Champion Speaker by Dr. Nick Morgan via
  8. 7 Qualities A Leader Can’t Afford Not To Have by Carey Nieuwhof
  9. The Main Reason People Don’t Become Church Members by Dan Reiland
  10. 8 Ways To Impact Your Community By Blessing Local Schools, By Facts & Trends by Nelson Searcy via
  11. ***BONUS*** What Wears Pastors Down, Ages Them Prematurely, And Uses Them Up Too Quickly by Pastor Joe McKeever

That’s my Top 10 for the week.  What other great posts did you read?

My book Timeless: 10 Enduring Practices Of Apex Leaders is available for purchase.  If you have ever wanted to become the leader God created you to be, this book is for you!  By combining leadership lessons from biblical heroes like Jesus, Daniel and Joseph, along with modern day leaders like Bill Gates, Nick Saban, Kobe Bryant and multiple pastors, Timeless will equip and inspire you.  This book is not to be read alone.  Discussion questions are included in each chapter allowing you to develop those in your circle of influence.  Click HERE or on the image provided and order your copies TODAY.
