Live Blog From The SPARK Conference – 29 Leadership Quotes And Lessons From The Incredible Crawford Loritts

For the next three days I have been dispatched by INJOY Stewardship Solutions to attend the SPARK Conference.  SPARK Conference is a gathering for local church leaders passionate about making disciples who make disciples.  This event is structured the conference to help teams pray, process and plan together toward the launch of a disciple-making movement in their community

At INJOY Stewardship, we are #FORPastors!  Therefore, as a special gift to you and in honor of Pastor Appreciation Month, INJOY Stewardship is offering you a FREE DONE-FOR-YOU PASTOR APPRECIATION script which your staff or key lay leaders could read during the church service in honor of your pastor.  Here’s what I guarantee, your pastor will get a well-deserved standing ovation after reading this.  Whatever you do, click HERE or on the image provided and get your service.  Your pastor needs this more than you know.

The afternoon’s next speaker was one of my spiritual heroes and dear friends, the incomparable Dr. Crawford Loritts.  Crawford is a nationally known speaker, author and senior pastor of Fellowship Bible Church in Roswell, Georgia. He helped establish churches in Texas and Mississippi and served as associate director of Campus Crusade for Christ.

The following are 29 Leadership Quotes And Lessons from his challenging session:

  1. Johnny Hunt is the portrait of the destination.
  2. The totality of the Christian life is about following Jesus.
  3. We can get so tied up on the process of discipleship we can sometimes forget what it’s based on.
  4. All leadership is incarnational. We are the portrait of the desired destination.
  5. The more successful you are in ministry, there can be a growing gap between what you are experiencing and what you want the people to do.
  6. Part of the process of our language as preachers is it become how-to’s.
  7. New Testament discipleship is all about the passionate pursuit of the life of Christ.
  8. New Testament discipleship is about organizing my life around His cause.
  9. Your profession is a platform to accomplish the mission of Christ.
  10. Jesus was terribly selective. He did not waste His time on overly-reluctant people.
  11. Every person is important but not every person is not ready for you to invest in them.
  12. Move with those who are ready to move.
  13. People get caught up with the superficial and rather than substance.
  14. If you are a Christian, you have to follow Jesus or don’t call yourself a Christian.
  15. Some of us in ministry have too many distractions in our life.
  16. Discipleship is focused. It’s not holding on to a bunch of other options.
  17. Effectiveness in ministry is not necessarily addition. Discipleship is about multiplication.
  18. Too many people invited into the inner-circle dilutes what you are trying to do.
  19. New Testament of discipleship is based upon an incomparable love.
  20. You cannot be Jesus’s disciple unless you embrace the reproach, suffering, and dismissive treatment of the world.
  21. Jesus Christ has not called us to a playground. He’s called us to a battlefield.
  22. A willingness to pay the price. Relinquish ownership.  He owns it all.  My identity is not tied to anything in this life.
  23. Your identity is not your calling. Your identity is Christ.  The only way to be effective is to keep what you do on the altar.  It belongs to Him.
  24. Nothing owns you but Jesus.
  25. Jesus did not spend time with people who were going to waste His time.
  26. Jesus didn’t control people. Lordship was voluntarily.
  27. Do not erode or back away from the clear statements of this book (Bible).
  28. What is missing in our call to discipleship is valuing crises.
  29. You must feel the tension of your humanity crashing against God’s calling.

It has been an incredible day!  Pastor Johnny Hunt is tomorrow.

Once again, if you have not downloaded the DONE-FOR-YOU PASTOR APPRECIATION SCRIPT, simply click HERE or on the image provided.  #FORPastors

Brian Dodd

Brian Dodd is the author and content coordinator for Brian Dodd On Leadership. In addition to overseeing this site's content, Brian is Director of New Ministry Partnerships for INJOY Stewardship Solutions where he helps churches develop cultures of generosity. Brian has also authored the critically-acclaimed book The 10 Indispensable Practices Of The 2-Minute Leader.