The Dark Side Of A Long-Term Pastorate and 4 Current Church Staff Openings You Should Know About

Last week I shared a story from Bob Iger’s book The Ride of a Lifetime: Lessons Learned from 15 Years as CEO of the Walt Disney Company, today I’d like to share one statement that Iger makes that has been following me around ever since I first read it. As Iger is contemplating his coming retirement, he says this:

I’m comforted by something I’ve come to believe more and more in recent years—that it’s not always good for one person to have too much power for too long. Even when a CEO is working productively and effectively, it’s important for a company to have change at the top. I don’t know if other CEOs agree with this, but I’ve noticed that you can accumulate so much power in a job that it becomes harder to keep a check on how you wield it. Little things can start to shift. Your confidence can easily tip over into overconfidence and become a liability. You can start to feel that you’ve heard every idea, and so you become impatient and dismissive of others’ opinions. It’s not intentional, it just comes with the territory. You have to make a conscious effort to listen, to pay attention to the multitude of opinions.

One of Chemistry Staffing’s core beliefs is that we need to extend the average tenure of ministry staff from the current average of 3.5 years to 5 years. Our entire team is convinced that this will help create healthy, thriving churches. We are committed to creating a healthy, long-term fit between pastors and churches. That said, I think Iger is onto something when he suggests that there is a danger in being somewhere for too long.

Several years ago I sat with a small group of church planters listening to a well-known pastor share his thoughts on leading the church. The man had brought a group of interns from his church and as he shared his opinions on the right and wrong methodologies of leading a church he would make cutting, borderline inappropriate, comments about those who he felt were doing it wrong. As these comments were made, his interns would chuckle and egg him on. I remember walking away from that gathering feeling conflicted: there was a wisdom to some of the man’s thinking, but the arrogance and meanness left me questioning his fitness for the pastorate. It was obvious to me that there was no one around him who could pull him aside and challenge him to reconsider his actions.

The biggest danger of spiritual leadership is that we play a significant role in the development of the people that we lead. Because of this, we can be revered by those who surround us and inadvertently placed on a pedestal. The likelihood of this happening only increases the longer that we are in place. As this happens, people grow less and less likely to challenge our thinking, to suggest alternative courses of action, or to call us on our bad behavior. When this happens, the end of our church’s productive ministry begins.

The onus is on us, as ministry leaders, to surround ourselves with people who will push on us, challenge us, and take us to the woodshed from time to time. I am not suggesting that we surround ourselves with jerks, but with people who love us and the church that we lead and want nothing but the best for both. The courage and self-awareness that it takes to do this are rare, but are incredibly important for our health, and the health of the churches we lead.

Who do you have in your life that has the permission to challenge your thinking and call you on bad behavior?

Current Positions Available

NEW! Senior Pastor – Pilgrim’s Baptist Church – Ashaway, RI

Pilgrim’s Baptist Church in the small town of Ashaway, RI is looking for our next Senior Pastor to lead our church. This person will be responsible for casting a vision for the church that will connect with the community and grow the church body both spiritually and in number. The new Senior Pastor will work closely with the current leadership team to establish unity and bring new ideas to the congregation. Find out more here.

Minister to Students and Families – Creekside Church – Cumming, GA

Creekside Church in Cumming, GA is looking for their next Minister to Students and Families. This person will be responsible for the oversight and direction of both junior high and high school ministries. This person will lead both student and adult leaders in Biblical training and discipleship. Our student ministry will also build relationships with parents that equip them to build Christ-centered relationships with their children. Find out morehere.

Campus Planter – Grace Church – Akron, OH

Grace Church is a vibrant, growing church that pursuing a vision of planting 30 campuses in 30 years. Doing something this audacious requires great people who have a desire to launch a new work while remaining connected to a larger church. Grace is seeking their next Campus Planter… this person will function as the planter and lead pastor of a new campus: preaching weekly, leading the campus staff in running ministry programming, and pastoring the congregation. The main responsibilities for the first 18 months will be to learn Grace Church vision, values and DNA and progressively take on more and more ministry leadership responsibility. Find out more here.

Central Worship Pastor – The Fountains Fellowship – Crowley, TX

Our growing church in Fort Worth, TX is in search of their next Central Worship Pastor. This person would be responsible to maximize the effectiveness of the weekend experience by drawing people into the presence of God through music and meaningful worship, and to oversee the Worship, Creative and Production of all services and campuses. Find out more here.

CHEMISTRY STAFFING UPDATE – If your church is planning on hiring new staff members during 2019 or 2020, let’s talk about how we can help you find better church staff candidates… faster.  And if you feel that you might have a ministry move in your future, we can help you find a healthy church for a long-term fit. 

Brian Dodd

Brian Dodd is the author and content coordinator for Brian Dodd On Leadership. In addition to overseeing this site's content, Brian is Director of New Ministry Partnerships for INJOY Stewardship Solutions where he helps churches develop cultures of generosity. Brian has also authored the critically-acclaimed book The 10 Indispensable Practices Of The 2-Minute Leader.