Live Blog – 25 Leadership Quotes From Ryan Leak And Kristen Ivy’s Orange Conference Opening Session

Over the next two days I will be dispatched by INJOY Stewardship Solutions to provide live-blogging the ReThink Leadership and Orange Conference.  This is one of my go-to events each year.  Led by Reggie Joiner and Carey Nieuwhof, I feel this annual event provides the greatest amount of informative and relevant leadership content available.  This year is proving to be no different even though it is an online experience.

As part of these posts, I want to make you aware of an incredible offer from  We know pastors are needing to communicate in new and fresh ways to fund their ministries during COVID-19.  As a result, online offerings are a challenge for many leaders.  MinistryDeal is offering 52 giving talks for only $47!!!  That’s right, less than $1 per talk.  If these done-for-you talks help you get just one gift over the next year, it pays for itself.  Plus, think how much stress is relieved and how many man-hours you will save by not having to generate this content.  There is no better ROI.  Simply click HERE or on the image provided to purchase.  You will also get three FREE bonus items.

The opening night’s speakers were Ryan Leak and Kristen Ivy.  Ryan is the Young Adults Director at Covenant Church in Dallas, Texas. Kristen is the Executive Director of Messaging at Orange.

The following are 25 Leadership Quotes from their Orange Conference Opening Session on creating a revolution:

Reggie Joiner

  1. You have the most important job in the world. You are on the front lines.

Ryan Leak

  1. Somewhere along the journey we switched our job descriptions from Bible teachers to life coaches.
  2. Most Christ-followers numb their pain with tweets and Facebook posts.
  3. Why are we so obsessed with turning negatives into positives?
  4. We believe pain makes us look bad.
  5. Revolutions are born out of pain.
  6. Lamenting is a Bible-word leaders are not good at.
  7. I’m a professional at giving myself a pep-talk.
  8. Sometimes as a leader we have to sit with pain without a plan.
  9. In a world searching for answers, may we be leaders who pause long enough to know why they are asking in the first place.
  10. The only way to understand their pain is to sit in our own.
  11. Change will continue to happen and when it does, lament.
  12. How we’re connecting has changed. Why we’re connecting has not.

Kristen Ivy

  1. “Why” is the beginning of every revolution.
  2. When you understand your “why”, you’ll be one of the first people who knows it’s time for a systems change.
  3. When you don’t know what to do, remember why you started doing whatever it is you were doing that you can no longer keep doing.
  4. When you don’t know what to do, start by asking why? When you remember you’re “why”, you’ll do the next right thing.
  5. When you ask “why”, you’ll go into the unknown.
  6. When you know your “why” with certainty, you’ll go into uncertain situations.
  7. When you remember your ”why”, you’ll lead like some things never changed.
  8. Some things never change.
  9. When everything changes, it highlights some things never change.
  10. Posting truth without love is obnoxious.
  11. Some things never change like faith, hope, and love.
  12. You’ll go through remarkable change but you’ll always be driven by your “why”.

What an incredible way to start the event!  Keep checking back over the next two days as more content will be coming from an incredible collection of speakers.

Once again, don’t forget to purchase your giving talks.  This resource will save you time and stress.  It will also help you exponentially increase your weekly giving.  Click HERE or on the image provided to purchase!

Brian Dodd

Brian Dodd is the author and content coordinator for Brian Dodd On Leadership. In addition to overseeing this site's content, Brian is Director of New Ministry Partnerships for INJOY Stewardship Solutions where he helps churches develop cultures of generosity. Brian has also authored the critically-acclaimed book The 10 Indispensable Practices Of The 2-Minute Leader.