Live Blog – 23 Leadership Quotes From Dharius Daniels At ReThink Leadership On Leading With Hope

Over the next two days I will be dispatched by INJOY Stewardship Solutions to provide live-blogging the ReThink Leadership and Orange Conference.  This is one of my go-to events each year.  Led by Reggie Joiner and Carey Nieuwhof, I feel this annual event provides the greatest amount of informative and relevant leadership content available.  This year is proving to be no different even though it is an online experience.

As part of these posts, I want to make you aware of an incredible offer from  We know pastors are needing to communicate in new and fresh ways to fund their ministries during COVID-19.  As a result, online offerings are a challenge for many leaders.  MinistryDeal is offering 52 giving talks for only $47!!!  That’s right, less than $1 per talk.  If these done-for-you talks help you get just one gift over the next year, it pays for itself.  Plus, think how much stress is relieved and how many man-hours you will save by not having to generate this content.  There is no better ROI.  Simply click HERE or on the image provided to purchase.  You will also get three FREE bonus items.

ReThink Leadership’s first speaker was Dharius Daniels.  Dharius is the founder and Lead Pastor of Change Church. He has developed a standard of excellence that is apparent in his commitment to ministry, as well as education. He holds a Master of Divinity degree from Princeton Theological and a Doctorate of Ministry degree from Fuller Theological. He is the real deal!!!

The following are 23 Leadership Quotes from Dharius Daniels on how to lead with hope:

  1. You want to use your brain for creativity and technology for storage.
  2. Information is like medication. You don’t need it all the time but when you do need it, you need to know where to find it.
  3. Leadership is influencing individuals or organizations toward their purposes.
  4. Leaders create buy-in. They don’t demand compliance.
  5. When there is compliance without buy-in, people give you just enough. When there’s buy-in people give you more than enough… They go the extra mile.
  6. Hope is nothing else than the expectation of those things which faith has believed to be truly promised by God.
  7. Faith believes God to be true. Hope awaits the time when this truth will be made manifest.
  8. If you are not leading with hope, you are not leading well.
  9. Faith is not optimism but faith makes you optimistic.
  10. People are wrestling with despair. Despair is a form of hopelessness.  Despair is the result of the premature anticipation of the non-fulfillment of the promises of God.
  11. Leading with hope leads people into their redemptive potential. Into destiny but leads them out of despair.
  12. The first key to leading with hope is to possess it…. It’s difficult to give what you don’t have.
  13. You need more than a verbal declaration. You need a physical demonstration because some things are not taught until they’re caught.  We need more than information.  We need examples.
  14. Kingdom leaders are able to say, “Watch me. Follow me.”
  15. Just because we’re saying the same things doesn’t mean we’re pointing in the same direction.
  16. The second key to leading with hope is to practice it.
  17. Hope is not just a description of emotion. Hope is a spiritual discipline.
  18. There is a tension between realistic and optimistic.
  19. Faith doesn’t deny reality. Faith just believes God in spite of it.
  20. Judas had a bad heart. Peter had a bad day.
  21. The third key to leading with hope is to proclaim it. Our vision-casting should be saturated and soaked in hope.
  22. A vision-caster is a fisher and you’re throwing a net of the vision hoping to catch the hearts of your people. People don’t catch vision.  Vision catches them.  The quality of the net and the skill of the caster matter greatly.
  23. Hope catches the hearts of the people we’ve been called to lead.

What an amazing session!  Keep checking back over the next two days as more content will be coming from an incredible collection of speakers.  Next up is Joel Mamby.

Once again, don’t forget to purchase your giving talks.  This resource will save you time and stress.  It will also help you exponentially increase your weekly giving.  Click HERE or on the image provided to purchase!

Brian Dodd

Brian Dodd is the author and content coordinator for Brian Dodd On Leadership. In addition to overseeing this site's content, Brian is Director of New Ministry Partnerships for INJOY Stewardship Solutions where he helps churches develop cultures of generosity. Brian has also authored the critically-acclaimed book The 10 Indispensable Practices Of The 2-Minute Leader.