Live Blog – 43 Leadership Quotes And Lessons From Kevin Smith and Vance Pitman 2021 Send Conference

Over the next few days, INJOY Stewardship Solutions has dispatched me to attend the 2021 Reach Conference followed by the Southern Baptist Convention.  My objective here is to bring you the top leadership lessons and quotes from the event.

Send Conference is a gathering of pastors, families and churches across North America learning and celebrating what it means to be on mission together, for the sake of the gospel. With specialized tracks for every member of the family, you’ll gain the tools and connections to become a movement of people — the Church — sharing the gospel with a world in need.

Before getting to the content, I want to make you aware that this Thursday, June 17th at 11:00 AM EST my friends Joe Sangl and Michael Lukaszewski are hosting a FREE webinar entitled How Pastors Can Earn Extra Money.  Currently over 700 pastors are signed up!!!  This webinar is for pastors or church leaders looking to make more money on the side and have multiple streams of revenue while still serving their churches.  This teaching will help you relieve stress and focus more on your calling.  Click HERE to register.

The following are 43 leadership quotes from the event’s afternoon sessions by Dr. Kevin Smith and Vance Pitman:

Dr. Kevin Smith – Executive with the Southern Baptist Convention Pastors Conference

  1. “We need to acknowledge we need some help, and the help can only come from the Lord.”
  2. “It takes effort to be together. Many times Bible-believing Christians in the United States have failed to exert the necessary effort.”
  3. “Some Christian mock the pursuit of Christian unity.”
  4. “The unity of God’s people in the Scripture is essential for the anointing and power of the Holy Spirit.”
  5. “What good is the salt if the salt has lost its saltiness.”
  6. “A presidential election does not necessitate repentance.”
  7. “There are doctrinal boundaries to Christian unity.”
  8. “Doctrinal fidelity does not give you an excuse to be unloving to God’s people.”
  9. “In every election there’s two piles of dung and you try to figure which one is less hot.”
  10. “If you open up the Scripture, there’s no picture of your candidate in there.”
  11. “You shouldn’t be a pastor if you’re a coward.”
  12. “Pastors lead God’s people. Hellraisers in the pew often follow hellraisers in the pulpit.”
  13. “Biblical principles must be more important than expediency.”
  14. “Don’t assume the worst of one another… Stop these cultural broad sweeps of people. You don’t learn that from the scripture.  You learn that from the culture.”
  15. “The one thing I hate about social media is cowards and punks who will not say anything to your face will type it on a keyboard.”
  16. “Stop lying slandering one another. It’s a sin.  Stop it!”
  17. “Pastors, you can’t lead your congregations to obey Ephesians 4:3 if you’re not obeying it yourself.”

Vance Pitman – Senior Pastor of Hope Church in Las Vegas

  1. “The church you are now pastoring…. will one day die.”
  2. “All churches have a life cycle. They’re born.  They live.  They die.  Don’t believe me.  Go visit any church Paul planted.”
  3. “Want some good news? The Kingdom of God is alive and well!”
  4. “The Kingdom of God is largely neglected in the North American church.”
  5. “The Kingdom of God is God’s sovereign activity in the world resulting in people being in right relationship with Himself.”
  6. “When Jesus comes again, what’s eternal is the Kingdom of God.”
  7. “We are not pundits for a political kingdom but called to be prophets for an eternal kingdom.”
  8. “The local church is not the goal. The local church is the temporary tool established by Jesus to introduce them to the King.”
  9. “When God births a church, it’s always about something bigger.”
  10. “Churches plant churches, not individuals or networks. Living things give birth.”
  11. “When God births a church, He always has the nations on His mind.”
  12. “We are living in the greatest days of Christianity to be alive. There are more people coming to faith in Jesus Christ on a daily basis than anytime in human history.”
  13. “The size of the church does not determine its significance. The size of the mission determines its significance.”
  14. “When God births a church He invites us to join in His Kingdom activity.”
  15. “It’s not about growing our church. It’s about expanding His Kingdom.  We need a pronoun revival.  No church can expand His Kingdom by itself.”
  16. “What unites us as Kingdom brothers and sisters is so much bigger than what divides us.”
  17. “Every church should cultivate a heart for the Kingdom by praying.”
  18. “Praying is mentioned 26 times in the 28 chapters in the Book of Acts.”
  19. “How sad is it we use prayer at the church in North America to move people on and off the stage.”
  20. “What does it say about us as a convention if we need 20,000 seats for our business meeting and 1,000 seats for our prayer meeting?”
  21. “When we seek God in prayer, we experience God in power. And when we don’t, we don’t experience His power.”
  22. “Every church should prioritize the God by sending. We as pastors prioritize by seating.”
  23. “Every church should invest in the Kingdom by giving.”
  24. “You don’t give to a church. You give through a church as an investment into the Kingdom of God.”
  25. “When God births a church it’s for His glory.”
  26. “God does not need the Southern Baptist Convention. Sometimes we can strut sitting down… The Southern Baptist Convention needs God.”

Next up is Dr. David Jeremiah!

The Top 100 Leadership Quotes From 2020 is my latest ebook.  The wisdom contained in these pages from top business leaders, pastors, coaches, and superlative thinkers sustained countless leaders in the most turbulent year anyone can remember.  If you want to be the best leader you can possibly be, click HERE or on the image provided to download this FREE resource.  The lessons learned from last year, if applied, will sustain you for years to come.

Brian Dodd

Brian Dodd is the author and content coordinator for Brian Dodd On Leadership. In addition to overseeing this site's content, Brian is Director of New Ministry Partnerships for INJOY Stewardship Solutions where he helps churches develop cultures of generosity. Brian has also authored the critically-acclaimed book The 10 Indispensable Practices Of The 2-Minute Leader.