Leader, You Are Being Watched. Here Are 12 Things You Want Them To See?

Earlier this week, I attended an opening night showing of the excellent Marvel movie Black Widow.  I subsequently posted 13 Leadership Quotes And Lessons From Black Widow The Movie.  Check it out!

In the latest installment of the Marvel cinematic universe, the film’s evil mastermind is a former KGB agent named Dreykov who runs the Red Room, a training facility for Russian female spies named Widows.  However, Dreykov’s muscle is an individual named The Taskmaster.  The Taskmaster has the unique ability to watch and then mimic any fighting style.  Throughout the movie, the Taskmaster mimics Steve Rogers, Hawkeye, and especially Natasha Romanoff herself.

As I watched Black Widow, I was reminded of an important leadership lesson and a story from when my daughter Anna was two years old.  During that period of my life, if I had to repeat myself I would say, “Let me try this again….” and then I would immediately repeat the exact same sentence.

At that age, we would play a cassette tape (remember those) of Barney the dinosaur songs while in the car that Anna would enjoy.  One day while taking a family drive, my wife Sonya and I were having a casual conversation.  Anna said from her carseat, “I want to hear some Barney music.”  Sonya and I just continued our conversation when Anna emphatically blurted out, “Let me try this again, I want to hear some Barney music!”

I was immediately reminded that leaders (especially parents) are always being watched and mimicked.  I never said, “Let me try this again” again.

With that said, leaders, you are always being watched.  Here are 10 things you want people to see in your life.  First is the principle followed by my personal application of that principle in my own life.

  1. You Want People To See Your Faith –  My fundamental identity is I am a Christian, a child of the One True God Jesus Christ.
  2. You Want People To See Your Love For the Bible – The Bible is God’s spoken word recorded on paper.  In its pages are the words of life.  I can’t recommend enough you read The One Sermon All Pastors And Christians Need To Hear Right Now During This Defining Time In Human History.
  3. You Want People To See How You Treat Your Spouse – This shows the priority Sonya has in my life and will dramatically impact Anna’s view of whom she will one day marry.  Therefore, this has generational implications.
  4. You Want People To See The Priority Your Family Holds – When I get off work, there is no one I want to spend time with more than my family and my calendar should reflect this. They are my favorite people.
  5. You Want People To See Your Work Ethic – Never rob your employer by taking more than you have given.  In fact, if someone pays you $5, always give them $10 worth of value.  Always arrive early and stay late.
  6. You Want People To See How You Handle Crisis – This shows my faith is real.  It is a reminder God is in control and nothing happens He does not cause or allow.  Some things in life may hurt A LOT but I trust Him.  For a great resource on this important topic of handling crisis, click 14 Lessons On Leading During A Time Of Crisis From Mark Tillman, Pilot Of Air Force One On 9/11.
  7. You Want People To See How You Handle Change – Welcome to 2020 and a post-pandemic world.  Change is now a constant (and often unwelcome) companion.  Never has this statement been more true – Blessed are flexible for they will never be bent out of shape.  For more on handling change, click 10 Things Pastors And Church Leaders Should Know About Handling Change.
  8. You Want People To See You Are A Continual Learner – This is why I read books.  When Forrest Gump said, “Been there, done that”, it was a beloved phrase.  However, it is a terrible leadership statement.  Leaders should always be going there and doing that.  For more on principles of personal growth, click John Maxwell’s 4 Principles and 50 Leadership Quotes on Personal Growth.
  9. You Want People To See You Generosity And How You Manage Money – I want to be a good and faithful steward.  I want to live on a budget.  I want to be committed to investing and saving.  I want to pay those around me a good and competitive wage.  And I want to then have the financial flexibility to be extravagantly generous.
  10. You Want People To See Who You Surround Myself With – I’ve got a GREAT group of friends whom I love dearly.  If you are looking for a quality group of friends, find people to serve and ask nothing from them.  Then over time, through kindness and volunteer efforts, you will have accumulated a large network of fellow-minded individuals.
  11. You Want People To See Your Grace And Forgiveness – Life’s too short to harbor grudges.  The greatest human need is not to be loved, it is to be forgiven.  Trust me, I’m not perfect.  I need regular forgiveness as much as anyone.
  12. You Want People To See Your Life And Then Have Hope – If God can bless and use someone like me, He can bless and use anyone.

Leaders, you are always being watched.  Do they see these 12 things?  If not, it is time to make some changes.

The Top 60 Leadership Quotes From 2021 Part 1 is my latest ebook.  For many entering a post-pandemic environment, leadership looks completely different than the pre-pandemic world.  People are more broken now. They are more uncertain. Fear and anxiousness are unwelcome constant companions. Cultures are more unhealthy. Relationships are more dysfunctional.  Hope seems to be in short supply.  Every day seems to bring a new hacking, natural disaster, or unexpected calamity.

Therefore, the fundamentals of leadership are more important than ever. The quotes in this book deal with the basics of leadership.  If you want to be the best leader you can possibly be, click HERE or on the image provided to download this FREE resource.  The lessons learned from last year, if applied, will sustain you for years to come.

Brian Dodd

Brian Dodd is the author and content coordinator for Brian Dodd On Leadership. In addition to overseeing this site's content, Brian is Director of New Ministry Partnerships for INJOY Stewardship Solutions where he helps churches develop cultures of generosity. Brian has also authored the critically-acclaimed book The 10 Indispensable Practices Of The 2-Minute Leader.