What Is The Role, Duty, And Expectation Of A Coach (As Answered By Coaches Themselves)?

Billy Graham once said, “A coach will impact more people in one year than the average person will in an entire lifetime.”  If this statement is true, and I believe it is, then it is important to understand what the role, duty, and expectation of a coach is.

Long-time readers of this site know I participate in a weekly Zoom Bible study with approximately 70 high school, college, and professional baseball scouts and coaches.  This past week Chicago White Sox scout Kevin Burrell taught a lesson on the subject of baptism.  Kevin pointed out that baptism is an outward sign you are playing for a new team (Christianity) and have a new coach (Jesus Christ).

To connect the dots for this very unique audience, he asked, “What is the role, duty, and expectation of a coach.”  The following are the answers from some of the top scouts and coaches in baseball:

A Coach Is A Model

Lee Seras, Scouting Supervisor for the Cincinnati Reds said, “Become a model and a leader.”

A Coach Trains And Develops Players

Luke Wrenn, retired scout from the Seattle Mariners, Boston Red Sox, and Arizona Diamondbacks, said, “To develop the players to be the best that they can be.”

A Coach Imparts Knowledge

Wrenn added that a coach is “to be an example to them and to impart knowledge.”

A Coach Meets You Where You Are At

Kevin Wilson, one of the most sought after hitting consultants in the game and is currently working with Minor and Major League players from 20 different MLB organizations, said, “Meet them where they’re at.”

A Coach Creates A Path For You And Guides You In It

Kevin added that a coach will “guide them in a path you want them to go in.”

A Coach Is A Mentor

Rich Sparks, scout for the Oakland A’s, said, “Be a mentor.”

A Coach Teaches You To Take Responsibility

Rick Robinson, former college baseball coach for over 20 years and currently a missionary with SCORE International said, “Teach them to take responsibility.”

A Coach Teaches You To Operate Within The Context Of A Team

Rick concluded by saying a coach also teaches you “how to participate and operate as a team player.”


Kevin then summarized by tying these traits back to the Holy Spirit’s work in a person’s life after salvation.  He said, “The message of baptism is I have a new coach and this new coach is going to help   He’s going to model for me.  He’s going to help train me,  He’s going to help me reach my abilities as a new follower of Christ.  He’s going to mentor me.  All the above.  He’s going to care for me.  He’s going to discipline me… That new coach is the Holy Spirit that abides within you and he’s going to walk with you and he’s going to talk with you, and he’s going to train you, and he’s going to teach you, and he’s going to lead you every day.”

If you are a high school, college, or professional baseball scout or coach and would like to join this online study, reach out to Kevin Burrell on Twitter by clicking HERE or to NorthStar Church pastor Mike Linch at mike.linch@northstarchurch.org.  They will be more than happy to tell you how to be a part of this incredible group of men.

Trust me, it will be one of your favorite 45 minutes of the week.

My latest eBook is available for download.  The Top 65 Leadership Quotes Of 2022 Part 1 is a resource every leader should have.  Great quotes bring clarity and put into words who we intuitively feel as leaders.  They give us wisdom and insights which advance the mission and vision of our organizations.  This eBook includes thoughts and insights from leaders like Warren Buffett, Nick Saban, James Clear, Dawn Staley, Jurgen Klopp, Jerry Seinfeld, and even Ted Lasso.  This resource will take you about 10 minutes to read but a lifetime to apply.  You will want to stop and ponder the implications of each quote.  Click HERE or on the image provided for immediate download!

Brian Dodd

Brian Dodd is the author and content coordinator for Brian Dodd On Leadership. In addition to overseeing this site's content, Brian is Director of New Ministry Partnerships for INJOY Stewardship Solutions where he helps churches develop cultures of generosity. Brian has also authored the critically-acclaimed book The 10 Indispensable Practices Of The 2-Minute Leader.