Press Release: Aspen Group Announces Transition in Senior Leadership

One of the things I am most thankful for this year is to be a brand ambassador for Aspen Group.  Aspen is one of America’s leading church design-build groups and they have my highest recommendation.  Recently, they had a transition in their senior leadership.  I want to take a moment and share their great news with you.  Below is a press release announcing the transition.

And if your has a construction or major renovation project in its future, click HERE and start a conversation with them today.  Trust me, you will not be disappointed.  Their best days are ahead of them.  Now onto their announcement.


Aspen Group, a leading design-build-furnish firm providing integrated solutions for new church facilities, additions, and renovations recently announced the promotion of Vice President of Design and Integrated Services, Derek DeGroot, to the role of President. DeGroot follows Brad Eisenmann in the role, after Eisenmann’s 28-year service to the company.

derek-degroot-speaking-loDeGroot is a 2003 graduate of the University of Illinois-Chicago’s architecture program. Beginning his career in residential design, soon after, he discovered Aspen Group, joining the company in 2007. Serving Aspen Group in previous roles as Project Architect and Director of Design, DeGroot became VP of Design and Integrated Services in 2019, leading the effort to reinvent the company’s approach to service delivery of both design and architecture for churches throughout an expanding geography from primarily the Midwest, to now serving churches through studios in the Southeast US and other regions as well.

Aspen Group’s CEO and Founder, Ed Bahler, said of DeGroot and his assignment as President, “Derek has led a charge of innovation and excellence within our integrated design-build model. His vision has led to an expanding ability to create church and worship spaces that truly inspire and create ministry impact. He is now ready, along with other strong leaders here at Aspen Group, to expand that spirit of innovation and execution excellence throughout the entire organization.”

Bahler, reflecting on Eisenmann’s long tenure with the company, expressed his gratitude, saying, “I am thankful for Brad’s service, his character, and for his calm and wise leadership. And his commitment to caring for the people and the mission of Aspen Group. He has served Aspen Group incredibly well, through a multitude of seasons.”

When asked his thoughts as he steps into the new role, DeGroot shared, “I’m eager to follow in a long Aspen Group value of caring for the Church deeply as we design, build, and furnish facilities to positively impact the ministry of those churches, while we lean into a spirit of reinvention Brad (Eisenmann) and our leadership team began fostering before and through the pandemic.” DeGroot continued, “We have an incredible team of people who bring their personal faith convictions and best professional thinking to benefit every church we serve. I look forward to serving with them all in this new role.”

Aspen Group has offices in Illinois, Indiana, Florida and South Carolina, serving churches throughout the US. The company has a team of forty people, with active design and construction projects in thirteen of states.

Learn more about Aspen Group at Follow @aspengroup on Facebook and Instagram.

CONTACT: Becky Phillips, Vice President of People and Culture,

Brian Dodd

Brian Dodd is the author and content coordinator for Brian Dodd On Leadership. In addition to overseeing this site's content, Brian is Director of New Ministry Partnerships for INJOY Stewardship Solutions where he helps churches develop cultures of generosity. Brian has also authored the critically-acclaimed book The 10 Indispensable Practices Of The 2-Minute Leader.