25 Most Important Lessons I Give To Young Or Emerging Leaders

I have had the privilege of intersecting the lives of a number of people over the years who are either new in their leadership or looking for ways to increase their skills and influence.  If I could only give 25 tips to young or emerging leaders, here is what I would say:

  1. The toughest person to lead is yourself.
  2. Leaders will either serve others or they serve themselves.
  3. A person’s talent can sometimes take them to where their character cannot sustain them.  See Tiger Woods.
  4. People don’t need information.  They already have an abundance of that.  People need inspiration.
  5. The most intimidating leadership assignment I have is husband and father because I am sending people forth into a time I cannot see. – Crawford Loritts
  6. The best leaders come out of crock pot, not a microwave.  They are made over time.
  7. Don’t rush to judgement.  Gather information at one level and then make decisions at the leadership level.
  8. There is great power in a good compliment.
  9. Take risks.  The fruit is out on the limb, not close to the tree trunk.
  10. You will either prepare or repair.
  11. No one likes change but a baby.  However, change is desperately needed.
  12. Embrace your uniqueness because no two leaders are alike.  They come in all different shapes, sizes, backgrounds, temperaments, etc… 
  13. People have to like you.  You have to have a team that CAN help you.  You must also have a team that WANTS to help you.
  14. Leaders are readers.
  15. The most valuable commodity a leader has is time.  Don’t ever waste a person’s time.  It’s the one thing that once you have taken it, you can’t give back.
  16. The only difference between ANGER and DANGER is a “D”.  Your temper can destroy your influence.
  17. Great leaders don’t want a position.  They want influence and to make a difference.
  18. What you say “No” to is more important than what you say “Yes” to.
  19. Generosity is the new evangelism, both in business and relationships.
  20. The success of a leader is determined by those closest to them.  Build a great team. – John Maxwell
  21. Nowhere in the Bible does God call someone to an easy task.  Therefore, have courage because it is not going to be easy.
  22. Leadership has some very lonely times.
  23. There are great perks to leadership.  Everyone wants those.  There is also a great price to leadership.  Few are willing to pay it.
  24. Don’t let anyone tell you that you can’t do something.  God can do extraordinary things through ordinary people.
  25. What matters most to me is does my wife respect me and does my daughter love being with me.  All others definitions of success are simply not as important.

Bonus – There is never a traffic jam on the 2nd mile.

If you are a developing leader, does this help you?  If you are an experienced leader, what advice would you give?

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Brian Dodd

Brian Dodd is the author and content coordinator for Brian Dodd On Leadership. In addition to overseeing this site's content, Brian is Director of New Ministry Partnerships for INJOY Stewardship Solutions where he helps churches develop cultures of generosity. Brian has also authored the critically-acclaimed book The 10 Indispensable Practices Of The 2-Minute Leader.