Chipotle’s (In)Consistency

Per this article, it appears Chipotle may have a consistency problem.  Analysts at Wells Fargo ordered 75 identical burrito bowls from eight different New York City locations.  As I have experienced myself, they discovered the portion sizes “varied widely.”  Some locations’ bowls weighed as much as 33% from other locations.  The heaviest bowls weighed 87% more.  On a side note, can someone please tell me where that location is!

In a tremendous understatement, the analysts determined, “Order consistency remains an opportunity.”

In a phenomenon called the “Chipotle phone method”, TikTok users and other social media influencers have began filming their bowls being made.  They claim they get more food when the workers are being filmed.   Chipotle CEO Brian Niccol told CNBC the phone method was “rude to our team members.”  I would agree with him.

5 Leadership Lessons on Consistency

The Chipotle situation remind us why consistency is such a big deal for leaders.  The following are the reasons why:

  1. Consistency builds confidence.
  2. Consistency builds trust.
  3. Consistency builds security.
  4. Consistency results in reliability.
  5. Consistency helps you better plan for the future.

Sadly, Chipotle founder Steve Ells was defensive about the consistency controversy.  He told a forum in Chicago the chain had always offered generous helpings.  Even worse, he was also dismissive.  Ells added, “So those who complain about portion sizes, I’m not sure I quite get it, but I understand it’s a thing out there.”

Consistency is definitely “a thing.”

6 Ways Consistency Makes You More Valuable

In 2023, Arsenal’s then-21-year-old superstar Bukayo Saka signed his second contract with the club.  The Athletic’s Amy Lawrence wrote in this article what makes him so valuable to the team.

She said, “The consistency of Saka’s efforts has been critical to Arsenal’s title chase. Game after game, he produces. Training session after training session, he works. Week after week, he takes kicks, picks himself up and goes again. The majority of his goals put Arsenal in the lead or are equalisers. He can deliver goals of significance, the ones that turn or decide games, rather than those that embellish them. He’s a tough little guy with a huge heart.”

From her words we learn the following six areas of consistency which resulted in Saka’s second contract:

  1. Consistent effort.
  2. Consistently productive.
  3. Consistent training and development.
  4. Consistently resilient.
  5. Consistently delivering not only significant results, but results that matter to the team’s success.
  6. Consistently passionate.

Saka has financially benefitted from his consistency.  Maybe consistency is the key to increasing your value as well.

Now this is where my analogy breaks down.  Chipotle’s inconsistency does not appear to be effecting the company’s value.  They recently announced a 50-to-1 stock split, one of the largest in the New York Stock Exchange’s history.  Chipotle’s shares have increased 350% during the last five years.  At the time of this writing, the company is valued at $83.2 billion.

I guess the social media influencers are not influencing enough people to make a difference.

I have recently developed a strategic partnership with an organization called Netline.  They are an organization which gets content into as many hands as possible.  Together, we created a FREE resource entitled   The Top 90 Leadership Quotes of 2024 – Part 1.  You can click HERE or on the image provided to receive this complimentary resource.  

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There comes a time in the life of every leader when they must stand up and declare, “Follow me!”  Therefore, the use of language is a BIG deal for leaders. Words matter. They can mobilize people, inspire enormous change, and move others to life-changing action. Therefore, when a leader speaks, the quotes they give, matter.

This is why we created this resource. These quotes will take 15 minutes to read and a lifetime to apply.  Let’s get started. You’re about to get smarter and better as a leader!  #CommissionsEarned


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