The following are The Top 10 Leadership Posts I Read The Week Of July 22nd:

  1. Protect Your Team: Spotting and Neutralizing the Top 6 Culture-Killers by Scott Cochrane
  2. The Top Six Risky Habits of Pastors in Trouble by Phil Cooke
  3. 12 Ways You’ll Jeopardize Your Job as Pastor by Ron Edmondson
  4. 4 Simple Ways To Build Momentum In Your Organization by Craig Groeschel
  5. The Perfect Worship Service? 10 Elements for an Amazing Sunday by Brandon Kelley
  6. 7 Tips On Sermon Or Lesson Delivery by Chuck Lawless
  7. 6 Lessons For Leading Change And Transitions In Your Church by Joshua Reich
  8. 6 Major Mistakes Connected to Leadership Strategy by Dan Reiland
  9. 4 Ways To Successfully Navigate Change by Charles Stone
  10. The Real Purpose Of “Systems” by Kevin Stone via
  11. ***BONUS*** The 4 Platforms Of A Leader by Richard Blackaby via
  12. ***2nd BONUS*** The Ultimate Guide To Healthy Volunteer Engagement by Tony Morgan via The Unstuck Group
  13. ***3rd BONUS*** 5 Leadership Decisions Every Pastor Needs To Make by Luke Simmons via  Few organizations provide as many quality sermon series, sermon graphics, and youth and media content as the team at Ministry Pass.  Click HERE to learn more about all they provide.  You will love their resources.

Last Week’s Leadership Posts

The following are this site’s top posts from this past week.

What other great posts did you read this week?

I have recently developed a strategic partnership with an organization called Netline.  They are an organization which gets content into as many hands as possible.  Together, we created a FREE resource entitled   The Top 90 Leadership Quotes of 2024 – Part 1.  You can click HERE or on the image provided to receive this complimentary resource.  

Now a special request.  This is a complimentary resource.  Therefore, if you will make special note of the ads on the pages you will see.  If any interest you, please click the images and learn more about their products.

Once again, you can get your FREE resource by clicking DOWNLOAD NOW.  

These quotes will take 15 minutes to read and a lifetime to apply.  Let’s get started. You’re about to get smarter and better as a leader!  #CommissionsEarned


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