August ’24 was one of the most impactful months of this site’s 15+ years of existence.  In addition to being able to serve more and more leaders with valuable content, I also produced two complimentary resources.

FREE Helpful Resources

In conjunction with one of my content partners, I created two new checklists to help you identify ways you can improve your leadership:

You can download them by clicking HERE and HERE or on the images below.

Now a special request.  These are complimentary resources.  Therefore, if you download them, make special note of the ads on the pages you will see.  If any interest you, please click the images and learn more about their products.  Thank you as this helps cover the cost of production.

The Top 10 Most Read Leadership Posts of August ’24

As promised, the following are The Top 10 Most Read Leadership Posts of August ’24 as determined by you the readers:

  1. 3 Questions Every Man Must Answer and 19 Additional Leadership Quotes and Lessons from The Forge movie
  2. 5 Things The Most Successful Leaders Do (That Others Don’t)
  3. 6 Tests To Know If Someone Is A True Friend
  4. 8 Signs Of A Faulty Leadership Foundation
  5. The #1 Leadership Lesson From Starbuck’s Change of CEO
  6. 15 Football Books Every Leader (Whether A Fan Or Not) Should Read
  7. Joe Biden Exits The Race, 10 Books Every Leader Should Read This Summer & 8 More Most Read Leadership Posts from July ’24
  8. When What Used to Work, Doesn’t (And What to Do About It)
  9. 20 Quotes and Lessons on the Power of Vision
  10. 2 Extraordinary Stories and 10 Lessons about being a Great Teammate

As previously I mentioned, these are complimentary resources.  Therefore, if you download them, make special note of the ads on the pages you will see.  If any interest you, please click the images and learn more about their products.  Thanks again! #CommissionsEarned


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