One of the most important presidents in United States history is Gerald Ford. This is because after being sworn in following Richard Nixon’s resignation in 1974, he instilled confidence and began rebuilding the American people’s trust in the presidency and our democratic system.
Believe it or not, I thought a lot about President Ford watching the Penn State Nittany Lions defeat SMU 38-10 and Boise State 31-14 during this year’s college football playoffs. Under the leadership of head coach James Franklin, the Nittany Lions are simply one of the best programs in the country.
But not too long ago, the future of the program was uncertain at best.
Following a child sex abuse scandal which you can read about here, the Nittany Lions football team suffered 2012 sanctions which included a $60 million fine, a four-year postseason ban, scholarship reductions, and all victories from 1998 to 2011 were vacated. The program was in shambles. But giving up was never an option. However, a new leader was needed to rise up who could re-instill confidence and trust in the program.
Bill O’Brien was such a leader and took the job as the team’s head coach.
During his two seasons, he amassed winning records of 8-4 in 2012 and 7-5 in 2013. But more importantly, he provided much-needed stability and laid the foundation which Coach Franklin would assume.
The following is a slightly edited version of a post I wrote on July 26, 2012 shortly after Coach O’Brien took the job. Looking back, it provided great insight into the coach who potentially saved Penn State football. It also provides a template for any leader facing a crisis situation today.
“Sooner or later comes a crisis in our affairs, and how we meet it determines our future happiness and success. Since the beginning of time, every form of life has been called upon to meet such crisis.” – Robert Collier
Penn State head football coach Bill O’Brien must appreciate Collier’s words because no leader in sports is facing a greater crisis than he is. As you are probably aware, the NCAA handed down severe penalties to the Nittany Lion program this week because of, let’s just say, lack of institutional control.
This morning Coach O’Brien appeared on Atlanta’s 790 The Zone sports talk radio program. He gave some incredible insights as to how he is leading the program into the future despite less than ideal circumstances.
The following are Coach O’Brien’s areas of focus as he attempts to establish a winning culture. It is something all leaders can learn from.
- Instill Pride – Coach O’Brien starts with a focus on self-leadership. He takes pride in the fulfillment of his assignment. “The biggest thing I have is the pride in working with these guys.”
- Stay Positive – Coach O’Brien is reminding his team and future recruits that “this is a special place. This where kids can come and play in front of 108,000 fans on TV.”
- Be Resilient – When leading during a crisis, leaders are not afforded the opportunity to feel sorry for themselves. “We got right up off the ground and started working with our players to field a very competitive 2012 team.”
- Continually Communicate – “We have open lines of communication with our players. Our players have a lot of faith in us and we have a lot of faith in our players. But they’re going through a lot right now.”
- Define Reality – O’Brien is keenly aware that other schools are actively recruiting his current players. “It’s NFL free agency without the rules.”
- Model Commitment – O’Brien said, “The way I was brought up in coaching is that you make a commitment… I made a commitment to Penn State and most importantly, I’ve made a commitment to the 2012 team. A lot of people have asked me right of the bat if I’m staying. Of course, I’m staying.”
- Creativity – John F. Kennedy once said, “When written in Chinese, the word ‘crisis’ is composed of two characters-one represents danger, and the other represents opportunity.” O’Brien is embracing this principle. “I understand the 65-man scholarship (instead of 85). There’s creative ways to bring kids in here.”
- Focus On The Future – Leaders always point to a brighter tomorrow. “Four years go by pretty quickly.”
- Past Performance – The best indicator of future performance is past performance. During times of crisis, leaders give their teams security by reminding them of their track record. O’Brien recalls that “I don’t know how many 4 or 5 star guys we had at Georgia Tech but we beat Georgia three years in a row when we were there.”
- Personal Goals – Leaders understand that the best way to achieve their personal goals is by helping those on their team achieve their’s. As a former NFL Assistant Coach with the New England Patriots, O’Brien is leveraging his background. “We know how to teach them, coach them, and develop them. And we know how to develop them for the next league… We have a staff with NFL experience.”
- Create A New Reality – “We are the NEW Penn State.”
In the 11 years following Coach O’Brien’s tenure, Coach Franklin has amassed a 100-41 (70.9%) record including four bowl victories and two play-off wins. But none of this would have likely happened without Bill O-Brien restoring confidence, stability, and trust in the program.
FREE Resource – The Top 75 Leadership Quotes of 2024 Part 2
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