7 Leadership Quotes And Lessons From Thor

This past weekend I had the opportunity to see the movie Thor.  It is a fun movie and provides a breakout role for Chris Hemsworth who is going to be a star. I really enjoy the Marvel movies and this one gives us some good leadership quotes and lessons. Enjoy!

  1. “Kings do not seek out war but they prepare for it.” – This was spoken to Thor by his father Odin played by Anthony Hopkins.  Great leaders attempt to resolve conflict but still prepare for unforeseen challenges that may arise when that is not possible.
  2. “I have sacrificed much to achieve peace. So too must a new generation sacrifice to maintain that peace. Responsibility! Duty! Honour! These are not mere virtues to which we must aspire! They are essential to every soldier, to every king!” – Odin gives us a composite picture of the relationship between responsibility and sacrifice that must be paid by all generations and those in leadership.
  3. The Only Difference Between Anger and Danger Is A “D” – When his anger gets the best of him and he attacks a neighboring country, Thor is banished to the realm of Earth.  Leaders often do irreparable damage to themselves and others when they have anger and self-control issues.
  4. What Seems Like Our Greatest Disappointments Are Often Our Greatest Opportunities – While on Earth, Thor is stripped of many of his powers.  However, he has the opportunity to develop character, humility, and a deep sense of care for those in his life.  If you ever feel like you have lost everything, you may have been given the opportunity to gain something you’ve never would have had previously.
  5. Self-Leadership – Thor teaches us a basic truth in that before you can lead others, you must first learn how to lead yourself.
  6. Relationships Over Work – Jane Foster, played by Natalie Portman, loves her work but finds meaning in it when she meets Thor.  I was reminded that no matter how fulfilling our jobs may be, they are a poor substitute for the relational needs that we all have.
  7. The Influence Of Fathers – Fathers possess an unequaled level of influence in their children’s lives.  Interestingly, the entire movie is really about two sons attempting to understand the complexities of the relationship with their father.  All children, no matter how old they are, want to be loved and respected by their fathers.

Preparation, Sacrifice, Self-Control, Disappointments, Self-Leadership, Relationships, and Influence. Those seven leadership items are effectively addressed in this fictional movie.  However, you must implement them for real each day.  How are you doing?

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Brian Dodd

Brian Dodd is the author and content coordinator for Brian Dodd On Leadership. In addition to overseeing this site's content, Brian is Director of New Ministry Partnerships for INJOY Stewardship Solutions where he helps churches develop cultures of generosity. Brian has also authored the critically-acclaimed book The 10 Indispensable Practices Of The 2-Minute Leader.