The Top 10 Christian Leaders You Should Be Following On Twitter

Recently I wrote a post entitled The Top 10 Christian Leadership Blogs You Should Be Reading.  Because of the incredible response it received, I am writing the follow-up, The Top 10 Christian Leaders You Should Be Following On Twitter.
The challenge of this post is I could have literally composed a list of 50+ individuals.  Therefore, I narrowed my criteria down to a list of 10 traits I looked for:
  1. If mentioned in The Top 10 Blogs, you were excluded.  My desire is for the readers to have a larger set of resources at their disposal.  So if you are wondering about Perry Noble or Steve Furtick for instance, simply click on the blog list.
  2. If you only provide the “Quote of the Day” you were omitted.  Quotes are helpful but can be obtained from multiple sources.
  3. Do you point me to other great writers or thinkers?
  4. Do you challenge me?
  5. Do you give me a different perspective on a topic?
  6. Do you provide a destination where I can get tools and resources?
  7. Do you break news?
  8. Are you relevant?
  9. Do you provide solutions?
  10. Do you answer questions I am currently asking as a leader?

With that as my criteria, the following are The Top 10 Christian Leaders You Should Be Following On Twitter listed in alphabetical order:

  1. @MicheleBachmann – Whether you agree with her or not, Congresswoman Bachmann brings a distinctive Christian message to the public square.  I trust her.
  2. @robcizek – This Executive Pastor from the Seattle area is the best networker and facilitator of information that I have read.
  3. @RonEdmondson – Ron has one of the most widely read blogs on the web.  His tweets aren’t bad either as he provides a great balance of family, ministry, workplace, and dealing with everyday issues. 
  4. @jonathanfalwell - Jonathan has a gift for connecting the younger and older generations like few others.
  5. @CrawfordLoritts – No one packs as much content and insight into 140 characters as my Senior Pastor from Fellowship Bible Church.
  6. @Relevantmag – The team at Relevant Magazine give me the tools needed to stay on the cutting edge of ministry.
  7. @AndyStanley – Simply put, Andy is the world’s greatest teacher of leadership.  I always learn something new from him.
  8. @paulsteinbrueck – Paul runs the websites Live Intentionally and Christian Web Trends.  If you are looking for how to best integrate technology and ministry, check out his resources.
  9. @EdStetzer – Ed has the ability to be creative in an environment many would consider traditional.  Every church planter needs to have him on their reading list.
  10. @RickWarren – The man who loves pastors and people!  I am amazed how Rick can tweet the toughest and potentially most unpopular of messages.  Yet, it is delivered with such love and kindness that he receives the favor of people.

Here is Rick’s latest tweet as I write this post, “A paid position usually robs 3 volunteers of jobs. We must equip the saints, not replace them! SB is run by 18,000 volunteers.”  That is Twitter Heat!

Leaders, that is my list.  If you are not taking advantage of these individuals, please follow them today!  Also, I know this list is woefully lacking some top people.  Who are some Christian leaders that you think others should be following?

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Brian Dodd

Brian Dodd is the author and content coordinator for Brian Dodd On Leadership. In addition to overseeing this site's content, Brian is Director of New Ministry Partnerships for INJOY Stewardship Solutions where he helps churches develop cultures of generosity. Brian has also authored the critically-acclaimed book The 10 Indispensable Practices Of The 2-Minute Leader.