24 Leadership Quotes From Dr. Eric Mason – Live Notes From The RightNow Conference

It has been an incredible two days at the RightNow Conference in Dallas, TX.  So grateful that Injoy Stewardship Solutions and Scott Williams gave me the opportunity to attend and serve church leaders.

Dr. Eric Mason, Lead Pastor of Epiphany Fellowship in Philadelphia, just challenged all our paradigms regarding leading our families and repentance.  I have just one word for this session – Wow!  Feel free to add your own word(s).  

The following are the comments from his sermon, The Characteristics Of Repentance from Psalm 51:1-7, that all leaders should immediately apply to their lives:

  • A deeply repentant person throws him or herself on the character of God.
  • David knows who God is based upon who He is based upon His character.
  • In regard to mercy, David is not calling upon God to give him what he deserves.
  • You need to ask God to end what you are experiencing because of what you deserve.
  • David fully owns the extent of his sin. – “For I know my transgressions.”
  • As parents we often look at the sinfulness of our children’s sin but now our own.
  • As parents we ask for mercy when we did not give it.
  • A deeply repentant person knows the collateral damage their sin caused to those around them.
  • A deeply repentant person does not rush the forgiveness of those around them.
  • As men we tend to want people to just get over it…Instead of flowers we need to give the gift of repentance.
  • Even if God has forgiven you of sin there are things on earth that are still getting over it.
  • Some believers know that even if they’re saved by Christ, they’re still jacked up!
  • Some people need to be honest with people about how bad we have hurt them.
  • Some of you need to let people tell them what you did to them.
  • One of the reasons why revival tarries is because Christians won’t repent…No one wants to talk about sin.
  • Confession without repentance is emotional abuse.
  • A repentant man doesn’t call people to a speedy recovery.
  • We want to blame shift onto someone else instead of owning it.
  • The repentant person longs for real transformation.
  • We don’t want the mess to speak bad of us.
  • It’s wonderful to have a friend who doesn’t judge the mess, but helps us clean it up.  That’s what Jesus does.
  • Your mess ain’t the worst mess that Christ has seen.
  • Anyone who says they don’t have a sin is a liar and the Bible says, “The truth is not in you.”
  • The pain in our past is one of the shackling things that keeps us bound.

Pastors and church leaders, what do you need to repent for today?  Who do you need to apologize to?

As a special gift from Injoy Stewardship Solutions to the RightNow attenders, we are offering a FREE report 5 Mistakes That Kill Your Church Fundraising by clicking here.

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Brian Dodd

Brian Dodd is the author and content coordinator for Brian Dodd On Leadership. In addition to overseeing this site's content, Brian is Director of New Ministry Partnerships for INJOY Stewardship Solutions where he helps churches develop cultures of generosity. Brian has also authored the critically-acclaimed book The 10 Indispensable Practices Of The 2-Minute Leader.