Tag Archives | Florida Gators

16 Leadership Principles When You Have Had Enough

Have you ever reached the point when you just screamed “I HAVE HAD ENOUGH!”  Is the monotony of normal driving you crazy?  I think I can help you.      Read the following quotes and principles.  Perhaps they can help you find a solution that will allow you to break free from monotony and go to the next level. From […]

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A Leader’s Diversion – College Football Preview

Every leader needs a diversion, a healthy distraction.  This allows them to get away and be placed in a replenishing, non-performance environment.  The diversion provides perspective. I’ll give you a peek into my life.  One of my distractions is college football.  With the season beginning Thursday evening, the following are my predictions as well as my leadership thoughts […]

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Top 10 Most Popular Posts of July 2010

 [youtube=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FmwJipHdqpA&hl=en_US&fs=1] I would like to thank everyone who took their valuable time to read this website during the month of July.  I am deeply humbled by the growth we experienced.  Readership more than doubled during the past month growing by 124%. Two main things became apparent – how much we were captivated by the LeBron James decision and how little we get […]

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Leadership Skills of College Football Coaches

For sheer volume of information, nothing beats The Sporting News.  In the 2011 NFL Draft scouting section of the most recent edition, there were several leadership traits attributed to some well-known college coaches.  The following coaches were identified in alphabetical order: Randy Edsall, Connecticut – Great support staff around him. Kirk Ferentz, Iowa – Develops people […]

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