Live Blog From The 2013 Global Leadership Summit – 18 Leadership Quotes From Joseph Grenny

Today starts the second day of the Willow Creek Global Leadership Summit.  I want to thank The Rocket Company for allowing me to attend.  In an effort to help fulfill our mission of helping churches succeed, I will once again be bringing some of the top leadership lessons from the incredible faculty the WCA has assembled.

Joseph Grenny was the first speaker of the day.  You can order his book Influencer by clicking here.  The following are leadership quotes and lessons from his session on mastering the skill of influence.

  1. Leadership is intentional influence.
  2. Our ability as leaders is not just about motivating but about acquiring competence to do so.
  3. If we want to be effective leaders we must study those who understand influence.
  4. In 2007, 61% of Americans said religion is losing influence.  80% know a Christian.  15% see anything different in their behaviors.
  5. If you put together a strategy that puts together impulses, motivation, training, cues, and accomplices, people change.
  6. Personal motivation is a challenge because bad stuff feels good and good stuff feels bad.
  7. People can profoundly change how they feel about any choice.
  8. Don’t just teach principles.  Connect to values.
  9. Help people frame specific daily decisions in godly ways.
  10. Motivation is a big part of change.  Ability is profound factor in influence.  Those who are best at influence start with ability, not motivation.
  11. Skills are a substantial part of influence.
  12. Influencers involve people in 5-10 times more of deliberate practice.
  13. The practice setting must approximate the real world.
  14. Small bites with feedback and coaching are the best environments for increasing skills.
  15. Influence other people through modeling, praise, helping, and enabling.
  16. The space we inhabit affects our choices.  What is enshrined?  What is different?
  17. You want to change the world learn how to change behavior.
  18. God can bless you from nothing to something.

Getting ready for Vijay Govindarajan.


Click here or the image provided to register for a FREE webinar  put on by The Rocket Company on August 20th where we will teach on creating and implementing healthy systems in your church.  Healthy systems are the #1 thing needed for your church to grow and reach its full redemptive potential.

Brian Dodd

Brian Dodd is the author and content coordinator for Brian Dodd On Leadership. In addition to overseeing this site's content, Brian is Director of New Ministry Partnerships for INJOY Stewardship Solutions where he helps churches develop cultures of generosity. Brian has also authored the critically-acclaimed book The 10 Indispensable Practices Of The 2-Minute Leader.