13 Practices Of Leaders Who Experience Success

Every leader wants to experience success.  Leaders want a sense of accomplishment and to advance mission and vision.  Early this week I invited you to join me as hosted a INJOY Stewardship Solutions webinar for pastors and church leaders entitled “How To More Money In 2015 Than You Ever Thought Possible.”  It was success beyond our wildest expectations.

Over 500 church leaders representing over 480 churches needing more money for ministry registered for this time together.  The webinar went off without a hitch and I was able to hold up my end of the bargain as the deliverer of the content.

As I evaluate our team’s performance, I gleaned 13 Practices Of Leaders Who Experience Success:

  1. Leaders Who Experience Success Understand Timing – Scheduling this specific webinar and its content for October was not by accident.  For churches wishing to raise significant capital in Spring ’15, now is the time for those conversations.  This webinar was a reminder effective leaders answer the questions people are asking when they are asking them.
  2. Leaders Who Experience Success Start Early – Food simply tastes better coming out of a crockpot than a microwave.  We gave ourselves a long runway by starting promotions several weeks ago.
  3. Leaders Who Experience Success Cultivate Strategic RelationshipsScott Couchenour and the team at Cogun Church Builders were very kind to help promote the event by sending out several tweets to their network.  This would be an appropriate time to to say if your church is looking to build new facilities in the next two to four years, click HERE to learn more about Cogun.  They love the local church and would do a great job for you.
  4. Leaders Who Experience Success Value Their Audience – Pastors and church leaders do not have time to waste.  Therefore, if they are willing to give you an hour of their valuable time, you must steward it properly.
  5. Leaders Who Experience Success Provide Solutions – Pastors and church leaders need solutions to the resource challenges they face.  I tackled as many of these issues as possible within the one-hour timeframe.
  6. Leaders Who Experience Success Surround Themselves With Talented People – One of my co-workers Caroline Campbell was instrumental in helping with the promotions and technology side of the broadcast.  Without her contributions this webinar would have never taken place.  Talented teammates allow you to relax and focus on doing your job effectively because you know their responsibilities are taken care of.
  7. Leaders Who Experience Success Embrace Technology – I have worked dozens of trade shows.  Do you realize how many of these shows I would have to work to have over 500 individuals stop by my booth?  Technology allows you to impact an exponential number of leaders with quality content at a fraction of the cost.
  8. Leaders Who Experience Success Are Well-Prepared – You will either prepare or repair.  I spent a large number of hours developing content, creating slides and practicing the delivery of the information in a concise and compelling way.
  9. Leaders Who Experience Success Pray – I am going to be very transparent here.  40 minutes before the webinar I felt an overwhelming weight of pressure come over me that literally drove me to my knees in prayer.  This is because I would be potentially speaking to an audience of 500 leaders of growing churches who all need more money for ministry.  The thought of this responsibility and the thousands of people influenced by these leaders was temporarily overwhelming.  Without God’s intervention I would not be able to add maximum value to these wonderful leaders.
  10. Leaders Who Experience Success Have Contingency Plans – There have been times in the past when the internet went down stopping a scheduled webinar in progress.  Therefore, we proactively put multiple contingency plans into place just in case we experienced internet issues.
  11. Leaders Who Experience Success Have Fun – Enjoy the fruits of your labor.  After weeks of preparation the webinar was finally underway.  Our team had an absolutely wonderful time conducting this session and felt honored to serve so many pastors and Christian leaders.
  12. Leaders Who Experience Success Continually Evaluate – As proud as we are of this webinar there is still more work to do in the future.  Churches are constantly changing as are what is required to serve them effectively.  Our team must remain continual learners and always be getting better.
  13. Leaders Who Experience Success Follow Up Well – For churches who have indicated an interest in having our team serve them, it is time to follow up and deliver of the information I provided.

What additional practices do you feel ensures success?

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Brian Dodd

Brian Dodd is the author and content coordinator for Brian Dodd On Leadership. In addition to overseeing this site's content, Brian is Director of New Ministry Partnerships for INJOY Stewardship Solutions where he helps churches develop cultures of generosity. Brian has also authored the critically-acclaimed book The 10 Indispensable Practices Of The 2-Minute Leader.