25 Leadership Lessons And Quotes From Risen The Movie

Risen is absolutely fantastic and a can’t-miss movie!  This film is the story of Roman military tribune Clavius, played incredibly by Joseph Fiennes, as he undertakes the greatest manhunt in human history – the search for the missing body of Jesus Christ.

Interestingly, the movie is told from the point of view of a skeptic and his search for truth.  Clavius literally becomes an investigator who searches crime scenes and interviews eyewitnesses and followers of Jesus.  What he finds changes his life for eternity.

Go see this movie as soon as you can.  And if you know anyone investigating the resurrection and claims of Christ, take them with you.

The following are 25 Leadership Lessons And Quotes From Risen The Movie:

  1. Stay True To The TextRisen, using Biblical text and some sanctified imagination, got it right.  Whether you are a pastor, teacher, small group leader, or a Hollywood director, Jesus does not need a PR firm.  The text speaks for itself and is the most compelling story ever told.
  2. Jesus Christ Lived A Sinless Life – While Jesus’s lifeless body was hanging on the cross, a Roman solider advised Clavius, “This man was innocent.”
  3. Many Thought The Cross Was The End Of Jesus – Clavius told the soldier, “It’s over.  Go on home.”
  4. Jesus Willingly Gave His Life Up For You And Me – Pontius Pilot acknowledged to Clavius, “It’s as if He wanted to be sacrificed.”
  5. We Are All Seeking Something – When Pilot asked Clavius what he was seeking in life, he responded, “An end to travail, certainty, peace, a day without death.”
  6. Eyewitnesses Verified Jesus Was Dead – To ensure the body of Jesus would not be stolen, Clavius went to the tomb.  He verified the body stating, “I found Him dead.”  Then, along with six other men, rolled a stone over the tomb’s opening closing it shut.
  7. Jesus Is The Messiah Because He Rose From The Grave, Is Alive And Walked Out Of The Tomb – When word of Jesus’s escape reached Pilot, he commissioned Clavius for a manhunt.  Pilot said, “Without a corpse to pronounce Him dead we have to proclaim Him Messiah.”
  8. Jesus Loves You – Clavius, now in investigative mode, began questioning eyewitnesses to the resurrection.  Miriam said, “He loved me.  He lifted me up.”
  9. Many Spend Their Lives Looking For Love In All The Wrong Places – So many people try to find love, purpose and meaning in money, power, relationships, sex, position, possessions or hobbies.  Love, purpose and meaning can only be found in Jesus Christ.  Mary Magdalen told Clavius, “You look for the wrong thing.”
  10. Your Story Is To Align With God’s Story.  God’s Story Is Not To Align With Yours – When questioned by Clavius, Bartholomew said, “God is not at my beck-and-call.”
  11. Jesus Christ Can Change Your Life – Bartholomew gleefully proclaims, “His resurrection changes everything.”
  12. “Our only weapon is love.” – Bartholomew
  13. The Message Of The Gospel Is Always Advancing – When Clavius asks Bartholomew, “Where are His disciples”, he joyfully answered, “They’re everywhere.”
  14. The Resurrection Is True – Eyewitness accounts support it. There are only counterfeit gods beside Jesus.  All other gods are dead.  Jesus is alive.  When Clavius questioned a Roman soldier entrusted with guarding the now empty tomb, the soldier said, “Never have I witnessed a moment so…Maybe our story is true.”
  15. You Will Have To Make A Decision About What To Do About The Death And Resurrection Of Jesus – Clavius said, “I have seen two things I cannot reconcile.  A man dead without question.  And that man alive again.”
  16. It Is O.K. To Investigate Jesus – As the disciples were searching for the risen Jesus, Clavius initially followed at a distance.
  17. Christians Do Not Know All The Answers.  We Just Know The One Who Does – Peter told Clavius, “I haven’t every answer.  We’re astounded too.”
  18. Following Jesus Allows Us To Make Sense Out Of Life – Peter told Clavius, “We are followers.  We follow God to find out.”
  19. Jesus Wants A Personal Relationship With You – During the middle of a night in the desert, Jesus orchestrated a time for just him and Clavius to spend together.  I bet He is orchestrating time for you and Him to spend together right now.
  20. When We Meet Jesus We Are Speechless – As Clavius sat beside Jesus and began a conversation, he admitted, “I don’t even know what to ask.”
  21. God’s Purpose For Your Life Is To Know Him – When Clavius was asking Jesus what to do with what he had learned, Jesus looked to Heaven and said, “Know Him.”
  22. God’s Purpose For Your Life Is To Also Make Him Known To Others – Peter proclaimed, “I fish for men.  How can I do anything else now?”
  23. Jesus Christ Is Our Only Hope For Racial Reconciliation – The love of Jesus brought a Roman zealot and a Christian zealot together.  As they departed to go their separate ways, Peter yelled to Clavius, “Farewell my brother.  God keep you brother.”
  24. If You Truly Investigate The Claims Of Christ With An Open Mind And Heart, You Can’t Help But Accept Jesus As Your Lord And Savior – Faith has its reasons and eventually you will have to put a stake in the ground.  After visiting the empty tomb, reviewing the evidence, hearing the eyewitness accounts, seeing Jesus in the flesh, seeing the holes in His hand and pierced side, and personally talking with Him, Clavius concluded He was the Messiah.  He triumphantly said, “I believe.  I can never be the same.”
  25. The Forces Of Evil Will Never Defeat Jesus Christ And Christianity – When Jesus rose from the grave, death was forever defeated.  Near the movie’s end when the disciples and Jesus could not be located, Pilot arrogantly said, “We will never hear from them again.” He was wrong.

What are you going to do about the death, burial and resurrection of Jesus Christ?  I hope you also say, “I believe.  I can never be the same.”

Do not miss Risen.  It is the best movie I have seen since War Room.  And for a reminder about the power of the cross and Christ’s resurrection, enjoy the music video below from Crowder.

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Brian Dodd

Brian Dodd is the author and content coordinator for Brian Dodd On Leadership. In addition to overseeing this site's content, Brian is Director of New Ministry Partnerships for INJOY Stewardship Solutions where he helps churches develop cultures of generosity. Brian has also authored the critically-acclaimed book The 10 Indispensable Practices Of The 2-Minute Leader.