10 Things Blogging Has Taught Me In 2010

Is there a message you are dying to get out?  I remember when I was growing up in a country church and a sweet, little old lady would often say “Pastor, God’s put a song in my heart.”  She would subsequently grab the microphone, and you guessed it, begin singing the worst sounding song you have ever heard!

When I think of that story it reminds me that there is a difference between good intentions and good execution.  She had a pure heart but a bad voice.  The internet and social media is much the same.

Since the relaunch of this blog in May, that is one of things I have learned.  Understanding there is something in your heart that needs to get out, the following are 10 additional learnings that will help you blog more effectively in 2011:

  1. The Potential Of Good Ideas – Depending on where you are at in life, people may discount you because of age, gender, experience, education, etc…  Leaders want influence.  The blogoshpere allows everyone to start at the same place unless you are a celebrity or public figure.  One person has the opportunity to make a huge difference!
  2. Forces Good Thinking - Good bloggers deliver content on a regular basis.  This intellectual heavy lifting requires discipline and has expanded my mind and knowledge base.
  3. Expands Self-Awareness – Blogging forces you to process life experiences and everyday occurrences through a different grid.  You are always looking for content.  I find myself constantly thinking “Can I blog about this?”
  4. Relationships Matter – Hearing the stories and comments of readers was an unexpected joy.  I’ve even gotten to know a few personally.  In addition, some previous or existing relationships have been renewed and/or strengthened because of this site.
  5. Facebook and Twitter – These two social media tools are tremendous ways to promote your blog.  I am still figuring out how to properly leverage them but I do know that all your platforms should be integrated.
  6. Statistics Are Addictive -  I check my stats constantly.  Am I alone in that behavior?  Please talk me off the ledge and tell me I’m not alone.
  7. Titles – Content is king but your title is the queen.  Great titles will cause your post to be opened and increase search engine optimization.  For instance, 44 Leadership Quotes From Tony Dungy gets at least two dozen Google hits daily.  Use lists (44) and popular words (quotes, leadership).  Referencing a celebrity doesn’t hurt either.
  8. Search Engines – The more you write, two things will happen.  First, your writing will get better.  Second, you expand your online footprint.  Over half of my reads now come from search engines.
  9. Blogs Can Rob Your Affections – There are times I get so excited about a thought or how ideas are flowing that I can neglect my family.  I have to stay VERY aware of the rhythms of our home or I can miss opportunities to connect with those who love me the most.
  10. Goals – The blogging experts tell you to not start a blog without a long-term strategy and goals.  I disagree.  Blogging should primarily be an outlet for people who have a story to tell.  If you have a story to tell – BLOG!!!  You can figure the rest out later.

If you are reading this post then you love sharing information as well.  Let’s start the conversation by telling us what you have learned from blogging.

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Brian Dodd

Brian Dodd is the author and content coordinator for Brian Dodd On Leadership. In addition to overseeing this site's content, Brian is Director of New Ministry Partnerships for INJOY Stewardship Solutions where he helps churches develop cultures of generosity. Brian has also authored the critically-acclaimed book The 10 Indispensable Practices Of The 2-Minute Leader.