May was an incredible month!!!  Other than January 2011 when Rick Warren forwarded one of my posts (and we know what that can do for any blogger), this has been the most successful month for this site.  “Thank You” to all who took the time to read and comment on these posts.

I have probably enjoyed writing this collection of posts more than any other.  I’m glad that it appears you enjoyed them as well.  Here are the Top 10 for May as determined by you the readers.

  1. 50 John Maxwell, Seth Godin, and Dave Ramsey Leadership Quotes From The Chick-Fil-A Leadercast
  2. Maxim’s Top 100 Hottest Women List Is Missing One Notable Individual
  3. The Top 10 Christian Leadership Blogs You Should Be Reading *Note – if you haven’t seen this list, please check them out.
  4. The Top 10 Characteristics Of A Generous Church – To watch me teaching the first five characteristics, click here.
  5. 20 Leadership Lessons On Building A Dream Team: A Case Study Of LeBron James And The Miami Heat
  6. 10 Leadership Skills Of America’s Top 10 Favorite Bosses
  7. Is A Squirrel Dying In Your Front Yard More Important Than People Dying In Africa?
  8. Leaders, Is It Important That Your Team Likes You?
  9. The One Thing Every Leader Must Do
  10. What Keeps Coke CEO Muhtar Kent Awake At Night

The following are four additional posts that didn’t make the Top 10 but are some of my all-time favorites.  I hope you enjoy them the second time around.  

  1. Leadership Lessons From My Grandmother’s Funeral
  2. An African-American Pastor, A White Church, And A Growing Latino Population Have Come Together
  3. 12 Quotes And Church Growth Lessons From Alison Levine Who Climbed Mount Everest – Check out comments on this one.  We got some insights frm Alison herself!
  4. What Sport Clips Teaches Us About Men And Church Attendance

I love getting to spotlight other websites.  I want to thank these two sites for their support and sending me a lot of traffic last month.

Once again, thank you for visiting this site.  Your time is extremely valuable and the fact you would give up some of it to read these thoughts humbles me.  I look forward to you returning in June and feel free to comment on anything you read.

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Brian Dodd

Brian Dodd is the author and content coordinator for Brian Dodd On Leadership. In addition to overseeing this site's content, Brian is Director of New Ministry Partnerships for INJOY Stewardship Solutions where he helps churches develop cultures of generosity. Brian has also authored the critically-acclaimed book The 10 Indispensable Practices Of The 2-Minute Leader.