Today I have been dispatched by INJOY Stewardship Solutions to attend Catalyst 2019.  Over the last two decades leaders who love the Church have gathered in Atlanta for a shared experience, connection to something greater than themselves, and to foster change in their teams, communities, and culture.  This year should be no different.

We are #FORPastors!  Therefore, as a special gift to you and in honor of Pastor Appreciation Month, INJOY Stewardship is offering you a FREE DONE-FOR-YOU PASTOR APPRECIATION script which your staff or key lay leaders could read during the church service in honor of your pastor.  Here’s what I guarantee, your pastor will get a well-deserved standing ovation after reading this.  Whatever you do, click HERE or on the image provided and get your service.  Your pastor needs this more than you know.

The day’s next speaker was Ravi Zacharias. Dr. Zacharias has spent the past 46 years commending the Christian faith and addressing life’s great existential questions of origin, meaning, morality, and destiny with eloquence and grace. He fully believes the truth of Jesus Christ can endure the toughest critiques and philosophical attacks. He has authored or edited over 25 books in the fields of theology, apologetics, comparative religion, and philosophy, including his latest, The Logic of God: 52 Christian Essentials for the Heart and Mind.

The following are 31 Leadership Quotes And Lessons from his inspiring session:

  1. What does a person look like who learns to live one day at a time with a backdrop of eternity in view?
  2. Time is on loan to you and me. One day it has to be returned.  It’s used up.  Eternity is a gift.  It’s never taken back.
  3. Simple things in life we take for granted.
  4. Is there a mirror for the soul?
  5. The Law is like a mirror. You can look at but the mirror will never wash your face for you.
  6. The entire scripture from Genesis to Revelation tells the story of the drama of redemption.
  7. How do we handle the strain and rigors of daily temptation? The problems of pleasure is always greater that the problems of pain.
  8. You cannot never have pleasure without boundaries.
  9. The Law of God was given to you and me about what pleasure is always about.
  10. Truth is always exclusive. It will exclude that which is false.
  11. Almost all moral frameworks are based on abstractions. A moral framework is not based on abstraction.  It is rooted in the character of God in which there is no contradiction.  It is exclusive to God.
  12. Reason is God’s gift. Reason abused can leave to rationalization to that which is wrong-headed.
  13. The most difficult word in the language is “No”.
  14. The greatest gift you can give another human being is to trust them at their word and trust them.
  15. Stolen waters may appear to be sweeter but they have a bitter aftertaste.
  16. We cannot violate each other. If we do, we violate the image of God.
  17. Morality is a demonstration of your redemption.
  18. Joseph could have blamed his entire life on his gene pool.
  19. The whole problem of evil and pain is the #1 question we face as the defenders of pain.
  20. Our vocabulary is inverted because the pleasures of the world have inverted themselves.
  21. The only reason we talked about absolutes is because we were created by an absolute God.
  22. God did not conquer the dark ministry of evil. He conquered through it.
  23. What type of world would we live in if the one wronged embraced the one who did the wrong because of the love of God?
  24. One of the highest rates of suicide is in middle school students.
  25. If you do not know the love of God, you will wrestle with the question time and again, “What is my life coming to?”
  26. To know how to handle power is a very difficult thing.
  27. God has given you your platform.  God has given you that power.  Learn to handle it with grace.
  28. Sin always boomerangs.  You hate someone, they’ll hate you back.  Look at Washington.  One cauldron of hate showing such intolerance in a world of power… There is one place in the world it did not happen – Calvary.  Sin did not bounce back.
  29. There is nothing as beautiful in the world as a person where the Spirit of God dwells.
  30. Christianity is the only worldview where God relates to you.  You are not in union or divine but in communion with the living God.
  31. Do you know Him that way?

What an incredible to start the day!  Check back throughout for more speakers and leadership lessons.

Once again, if you have not downloaded the DONE-FOR-YOU PASTOR APPRECIATION SCRIPT, simply click HERE or on the image provided.  #FORPastors

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