18 Hall Of Fame Leadership Quotes From Deion Sanders

Deion Sanders is the greatest cover cornerback to ever play football.  And with the exception of Bo Jackson, Sanders is the greatest athlete I have ever seen on a football field. 

Yesterday Sanders received his rightful place with enshrinement into professional football’s Hall of Fame.  The following are the leadership quotes we can glean from his acceptance speech:

  • “We oftentimes have football coaches but when it comes to spiritual things we don’t want any coaching.”
  • “When we have public success we also have private struggles.”
  • This game, this game, this game, this game taught me how to be a man. This game taught me if I get knocked down, I got to get my butt back up.”
  • “I would do this for free as long as you’re doing it for free.”
  • “I always had a rule in life that I would never love anything that couldn’t love me back.”
  • “It taught me how to be a man, how to get up, how to live in pain. Taught me so much about people, timing, focus, dedication, submitting oneself, sacrificing.
  • “I made a promise I needed this game to fulfill.”
  • “I’m not going to do anything illegal but my momma was not going to have to work another day in her life.”
  • “I knew I have the substance.  I knew I had the goods.  I knew I have the work ethic.”
  • “If your dream ain’t bigger than you, there’s a problem with your dream.”
  • “Whenever you make a promise, you have a responsibility to that promise.”
  • There’s no class to manage people.  There’s no class to teach on how to handle millions.  There’s no class to teach us how to manage time.”
  • “What separates us is that we expect to be great.”
  • I expect to be great.  I expect to do what hasn’t been done.  I expect to provoke change.”
  • “When I got to (my) next team I had to prove myself all over again.”
  • If you don’t believe in yourself how will somebody else believe in you?”
  • I was trick-or-treat and it wasn’t even Halloween.”
  • Since 1989 I have tackled every bill my momma has ever given me.  Hadn’t missed one.  Now next they say, ‘Prime didn’t tackle’ let them know that yes he did.”

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Brian Dodd

Brian Dodd is the author and content coordinator for Brian Dodd On Leadership. In addition to overseeing this site's content, Brian is Director of New Ministry Partnerships for INJOY Stewardship Solutions where he helps churches develop cultures of generosity. Brian has also authored the critically-acclaimed book The 10 Indispensable Practices Of The 2-Minute Leader.