Many leaders I know think they are either Alpha Males or Alpha Females.  They think they are indestructible and larger than life.   Their distinctive personality trait is arrogance.  Position and leveraging their personal platform are primary motivations.   

These leaders are mistaken and misguided.  They are not bullet-proof.

The truth is that leaders are vulnerable.  We are all hanging by a thread. 

The reason for this is because there is so much that leaders simply have no control of.  Here are just some of the examples:

  • Leaders have no control over market forces.
  • Leaders have no control over federal regulations.
  • Leaders have no control over what happens with many members of our family.
  • Leaders have no control over the bad choices of others that sometimes end tragically.
  • Leaders have no control over natural disasters.

For those of us who call ourselves Christians, this is not a bad thing.  It is this vulnerability and the embracing of it, that drives us to Jesus and a complete reliance on Him for the events of our lives.

Relying on Jesus also brings me comfort when things do not go as planned.  I am reminded that He is in control and working all things to His glory.

Whatever platform and measure of leadership influence God has given me is not a statement of my significance but rather an opportunity to serve others.

My attitude, willingness to serve others, and response to life’s difficulties are the only things I have control of.  In every other area, I am vulnerable.  And that is a good thing.

Leaders, are you humble?  Do you welcome and embrace your vulnerability?

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