7 Leadership Quotes And Principles From Courageous – The Must See Movie Of The Year

“That was the best movie I’ve ever seen.” – My daughter.

I’ve written reviews for movies like Thor, X-Men, and The Rising Of The Planet Of The Apes.  Those type of movies are fun and a nice release but the reality is that they don’t have the ability to change a human life.

My family just saw the movie Courageous.  The latest release from Sherwood Pictures is absolutely incredible!  I was worried I was going to beat up for two hours and made to feel guilty watching the movie.  That was not the case.  It is simply a fabulous experience.

In a movie that is calling dads to take ownership of their responsibilities to a higher standard, the following are just some of the many quotes and principles I got from the film:

  • “Alimony is a real bad condition that makes you wear ugly clothes.” – For men who leave their families, there is a harsh financial reality that you will face.
  • “You are a rich man.  You have a strong faith.  Children that love you and a wife that adores you.” – There is a delightful working class man named Javier, played by Robert Amaya, in the movie.  As his family struggles to make ends meet, Javier gets a new suit. His wife takes the opportunity to remind him what makes a man truly rich no matter what they are wearing.
  • Connect With Your Children On Their Level – To build a relationship with his son, one of the main characters Adam Mitchell, played by Alex Kendrick, takes up running.  While his son loves running, Adam literally hates it.  Fathers, to connect with our children, we must be interested in what they’re interested in.
  • Do You Trust God To Meet Your Needs – The movie does an excellent job of contrasting two men who have an opportunity for immediate financial gain at the expense of their integrity.  Men, there is no price worth your integrity.
  • Girls, Trust Your Over-Protective Fathers – I absolutely LOVED how Ken Bevel, played by Nathan Hayes, handled his teenage daughter and dating.  Girls, you need to know that all fathers were once teenage boys.  We know how they think, what they feel, and what their motives are.  You need to trust us on this one.  And when the time is right, we will hand you over to the perfect person who will then protect you for the remainder of your life.
  • “Man, I ain’t got nobody.” – These are the words of a gang member after his arrest when asked why he was hanging out with those type of individuals.  In the absence of a father, children will sadly take even bad counterfeits in hopes of finding love and acceptance.
  • Fathers Need A Savior – I was reminded throughout the movie how much we are in over our heads as husbands and fathers.  We can’t do it alone.  We need friends.  We need accountability.  And we desperately need Jesus guiding us through this journey.  When people tell me Christianity is a crutch, I say, “You’re right because we’re all crippled.”

I don’t want to give anything away, but the 2nd father-daughter dance scene is the most moving, emotional thing I have ever seen on a movie screen.  Absolutely indescribable!

Men, there are some movies you should see because they’re fun and enjoyable.  This is a movie you need to see.  And your family needs you to see it also.

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Brian Dodd

Brian Dodd is the author and content coordinator for Brian Dodd On Leadership. In addition to overseeing this site's content, Brian is Director of New Ministry Partnerships for INJOY Stewardship Solutions where he helps churches develop cultures of generosity. Brian has also authored the critically-acclaimed book The 10 Indispensable Practices Of The 2-Minute Leader.