Have you ever been shocked?  I mean really shocked?  That is what came to my mind when I first watched the video above?  I though “Wow!  Where did that come from? Was that shark really that close to land?”  It is truly a shocking video.

Sarah Brame’s encounter with a bull shark while fishing off a deck in South Carolina brought back memories of how many similar decks, piers, and inlets I have personally visited along the Georgia and South Carolina coastlines.  It also reminded me of the following leadership lessons:

  • Danger is always near whether we can see it or not.
  • Leaders need to be constantly aware and on-guard.
  • Leaders need to have a safe distance between themselves and potential trouble.
  • Bad things can happen in an instant and without warning.
  • Leaders who are continually reckless will have a short tenure and limited influence.

Shocking and unexpected events are often a constant companion for leaders.  The question is not when will they happen?  The question is how we will handle them?  How will we navigate our leadership journeys with a sense of peace, calm, and lack of frustration that brings security to our teams knowing that unforeseen challenges are simply part of life?  

In a word, Brame’s encounter with a shark reminds all leaders for the need for MARGIN. Margin is defined as an amount over and above what is strictly necessary, included for safety reasons or to allow for mistakes or delays

The following are just five areas of a leader’s life where margin should exist:

  • Schedule/Calendar – Leaders must allow time for recreation (the word literally mean “life’s energy recreated in you”), refreshment, vacations, time alone to think, agendaless activity, and most important, time with family.  They are often the only ones who love you unconditionally.
  • Finances - Leaders create margin for financial slumps and known upcoming expenses.
  • Emotions – A short fuse will blow up a leader.
  • Health - The biggest challenge many of face is managing our weight and level of stress.
  • Spirit – It is Jesus Christ who renews my strength and makes life worth living.

If you lack margin in these five areas, you could be consumed as quickly and easily as that fish hooked to Brame’s pole.  Leaders, what are some additional benefits you have experienced by having margin in your life?

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