13 Church Growth Lessons From 3 Of The Most Powerful Women In Television

I just read a fascinating interview in the December/January issue of Fast Magazine magazine.  Ari Karpel had a panel discussion with three of cable television’s most powerful women – Bravo president Frances Berwick, Comedy Central president Michele Ganeless, and Animal Planet president Marjorie Kaplan. 

The question Karpel was hoping to answer was, “Do you corral your audience, or follow it wherever it wanders?”  Their thoughts are very enlightening for all church leaders hoping to have a growing congregation.  And for all bloggers!

  1. Utilize Women and Collaboration – “There is data that show that men in business tend to have the hero’s journey – you know, I will go into battle.  Women tend to be, I’m going to create a collective, and we will go into battle together.” – Kaplan
  2. Must Have Humor – “Comedy is the ultimate connector for this generation.” – Ganeless
  3. How To Increase Popularity and Influence – “The funnier the clip that you post on Facebook, that you send around on Twitter, the more popular you are.” – Ganeless
  4. Utilize Social Media To Make Your Services Interactive – “One of the things [Daniel] Tosh does so well – and that I think is largely responsible for his success – is connect with the audience.  He tweets during his shows.  He lets viewers send in clips, finish his tweets.  It’s really an interactive show.” – Ganeless
  5. Exchange Information – “People love more information.  That’s the big ‘aha.’  They don’t want to talk to the network.  They want to talk to each other and to the talent during the show and have that experience.  It’s virtual viewing parties.” – Berwick
  6. Tell Stories – “People watch television because they want to see people.  Seeing people in the context of animals gives you great storytelling.” – Kaplan
  7. Sermon Titles That Pop – “Title is everything.  In a world where people are scrolling through [programming guides] and when you never have enough marketing money, if you can put out a title and go, ‘I’ve got to watch that.'” – Kaplan
  8. Understand People Have Options.  *Note – The Primary Purpose Of Your Website and Church Sign Is To Tell People Why They Should Come To Your Church This Weekend. – “There are like 150 original shows on cable in the summer, not including broadcast.  Creating any noise is difficult.” – Berwick
  9. Make Your Services On Demand – “[Thanks to VOD and DVR] My show is always on.” – Ganeless
  10. Reward Your Attenders.  Give Them A Soccer Trophy! – “How do we reward them for participating?  A lot of our viewers grew up in that generation where everybody got a soccer trophy.” – Ganeless
  11. Audience Expectations – They Want To Make An Impact – “The expectation I think on the part of the audience for all kinds of television: I get to say what I want.  I get to have an impact.” – Kaplan
  12. Remember, Ignorance Is Bliss.  If You Ask For Feedback, Then You Are Responsible For It When Gathered. - “If you engage with your audience you better do what they ask.” – Berwick
  13. Be Prepared To Change – “The expectations of the digital world are messy, but they really do change how you do business and how your audience expects you to treat them.” – Kaplan   

Pastors and church leaders, what needs to be done to implement some of thoughts listed above?

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Brian Dodd

Brian Dodd is the author and content coordinator for Brian Dodd On Leadership. In addition to overseeing this site's content, Brian is Director of New Ministry Partnerships for INJOY Stewardship Solutions where he helps churches develop cultures of generosity. Brian has also authored the critically-acclaimed book The 10 Indispensable Practices Of The 2-Minute Leader.