Live Notes From Unleash 2012 – 25 Leadership Quotes From Perry Noble

Perry Noble, Senior Pastor of NewSpring Church, just opened the Unleash Conference with an absolutely amazing message.  Here are the quotes:

  1. “Your church can do exactly what God said your church can do.”
  2. “Some of the biggest mistakes I’ve made is when I’m not paying attention.”
  3. “If you are a pastor, shut up and do what the camera man tells you to do.”
  4. Your life can change with one phone call.”
  5. “How do I know God is done with me?  He kills you.”
  6. “If God did not tell us to let go, church leaders would climb mountains to find what God used to bless.”
  7. “We have to talk way more about our dreams than our memories.”
  8. “What is going on in your church that drains the life out of you?”
  9. “People think you’re crazy because they can’t see what you see.”
  10. “Pastors shouldn’t have to apologize for having big vision.”
  11. “The church isn’t in trouble.”
  12. “Every number has a name.  Every name has a story.”
  13. “Church leaders need to be passionate about the numbers God is passionate about.”
  14. “When you wind and fire together, you can’t control it.”C
  15. “Shown me one disciple who wasn’t an evangelist.  A disciple who isn’t an evangelist is a Pharisee.”
  16. “We feel alone because we focus more on our worry than the presence of God.”
  17. “Pastors spend more time in Facebook and than having their face in the Book.”
  18. “If you have a bunch of pretty people in your church, your church sucks.”
  19. “Moses cared more about his people than his position as a leader.”
  20. “Pastors receive a lot of attention.  They don’t receive a lot of care.”
  21. “If you have a resume on your computer, destory it or send it out because it has no place in this church.”
  22. “If you’re more excited about hearding a podcast of another pastor than yours, leave the church and go serve that pastor.”
  23. “Shwo me other than Jesus anyone who knew what was going to happen.”
  24. “You can’t chart the book of Acts.”
  25. “Christians are the only people who apologize for celebrating victory.”

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Brian Dodd

Brian Dodd is the author and content coordinator for Brian Dodd On Leadership. In addition to overseeing this site's content, Brian is Director of New Ministry Partnerships for INJOY Stewardship Solutions where he helps churches develop cultures of generosity. Brian has also authored the critically-acclaimed book The 10 Indispensable Practices Of The 2-Minute Leader.