Here is a little known secret.  I write my best blogs when I am angry.  No one knows this because I do not package them as rants.  But my most “inspiring” blog posts come from my complete frustration with the way things sometimes are rather than what they could and should be.

When I was connecting from Houston to Dallas last week I heard the lady at the check-in counter say over the loud-speaker, “I’m sorry the flight to Albuquerque is delayed. The flight attendants haven’t showed up.”  I found that level of transparency refreshing and horrifying at the same time.

In last Thursday’s edition of the USA Today, a two-page report on Tiger Woods’s 2008 win at Torey Pines was featured.  As a leader, you know you are in trouble when the story is about what you did in the past, five years ago in Tiger’s case, rather than what you are going to do in the future.  No leader wants his best days to be in the rearview mirror.  I am glad Tiger won this past weekend.  I hope he wins a couple of majors this year because golf is more interesting when Tiger is playing well.  You can read the complete article by clicking here.

Carey Nieuwhof has given me permission to be an Early Adopter.  I always felt I was too reckless, too out-front, and too bold in certain leadership environments.  There are things I definitely need to improve on but processing information quickly, being passionate, sometimes too loud, and having to impatiently drag the Silent Majority along is O.K.  I am an Early Adopter.  Some of you are as well.

If you pray before a meal at a restaurant you give up your right to complain about the service and I feel you should tip at least 18-20%.  If you ask, “Well what if I get bad service?”  My response would be that after you say grace you should then show it.  What if God gave each of us what we deserve?

A few weeks ago my family attended Passion City Church on the Sunday evening just after the Passion Conference.  We always sit next to about a dozen people who have recently been released from rehab and whose lives have been radically changed by the love of Jesus Christ.  You can read their unique story at I Was Wrong About Saving Seats At Church

Chris Tomlin closed the service with the song God’s Great Dance Floor.  My wife was standing next to a young girl dressed totally in black, was heavily tattooed, had over-sized ear rings, and was worshipping with EVERY ounce of her body.  Zumba class students had nothing on this girl.  She was jumping, kicking, punching air, spinning, arms flailing, and it was absolutely wonderful.  There was only one problem – my wife was worshipping in a defensive posture trying not to be accidentally assaulted in the name of Jesus!  As I watched this scene play out from 3-feet away, I remember thinking that, first, I hope my wife does not get hurt.  And secondly, the average church sure could use a lot more freshly redeemed addicts who are now addicted to Jesus.     

Those are some things I have been thinking about the last week.  Tell me what has been on your mind.

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