
In 2009, when I met Mark Asbell for the first time, I had no idea we would become great friends.  We’ve worked together and traveled to serve churches together.  If you’ve been reading this blog long enough you might recall that Mark is one of the people who helped me with some of the technical website matters, and he is also responsible for putting together my very first free Ebook.  Speaking of blogs – I’ve said it before that MarkAsbell.com is the best blog I know for connecting finances to relationships. 

Now I am excited about the launch of Mark’s first ebook, God Centered Finances.  It is an absolute must read for every Christian leader who wants to help people put God at the center of how they manage money.

And because of his desire to get this in as many hands as possible, for a limited time readers of this site can download it from Amazon ABSOLUTELY FREE by clicking here.

God Centered Finances is a fast and easy read that is jam packed with balanced perspective on what the Bible has to say about Giving, Saving, and Spending.  I am truly inspired by the story of how Mark’s family fought through extreme financial difficulty by putting God first in all their financial choices, and I am both challenged and encouraged by the perspective they have gained as they have studied and applied God’s word to their finances.  Any church leader who truly wants something for people as much as they want something from people should really take this book to heart and share it with as many people as possible.

For a limited time the book can be downloaded for FREE to any Amazon Kindle app or device by clicking here


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