Live Blog From 2014 Orange Conference – 40 Leadership Quotes From Derwin Gray

Back for Day 2 of the Orange Conference!  Just a reminer, in an effort to grow in my skills to better add value to pastors and church leaders I am being dispatched by Injoy Stewardship Solutions (ISS) to attend this amazing event.

The afternoon’s first breakout session was conducted by the amazing Derwin Gray, Senior Pastor of Transformation Church, entitled Cultivating A Courageous And Healthy Pastor’s Heart.  The following are 40 leadership quotes I captured during this inspirational session:  

  1. We did know there was a God who was so passionate for people He came on a rescue mission for people.
  2. I am the epitome of the America Dream.  But that dream can’t fill the hole in my soul.
  3. Our opening weekend 701 people showed up…God is up to something way above us.
  4. If our middle school is culturally diverse so should our church.
  5. That which government mandates and forces Grace should bring together naturally.
  6. If we’re (pastors) not healthy people get hurt.
  7. Why should 1,700 pastors leave the pastorate every month?
  8. Unhealthy people beget unhealthy people.
  9. In the NFL character was secondary to gifting.  In the church I’m afraid we do the same thing.
  10. My heart doesn’t volunteer to beat.  At Transformation Church, you’re an owner.
  11. What type of culture have we created that being humble as a pastor is rare?
  12. How big a house do you need?
  13. People are the ministry.
  14. I am not impressed by how many people fill up a building.  What’s the quality of our relationships?  Do I smell like the people?  Do I shake their hands?  Do they know us?
  15. Very seldom am I invited to a conference and my character is checked out.
  16. The greatest church that will ever happen in your church is in your heart and my heart.
  17. I love systems.  I love processes.  But I love making me into His image more.
  18. Unceasing Worship.  All of life is worship.
  19. What have you and I done in ministry that has eclipsed what Christ has done for me?
  20. We have so many resources in ministry we may get good at ministry and the Holy Spirit may not even be there.
  21. “Worthless” means “worth less than Christ”.
  22. I don’t have to be worried about someone taking something from me that doesn’t belong to me anyway.
  23. God’s people receive the overflow out of our lives.
  24. Do your people know you love Jesus?
  25. If you teach your people about a loving and lofty Jesus, they will run to give Him away.
  26. Grace humbles us and degraded us.  And it elevates us.
  27. We don’t do Christian leagues.  Christians go into leagues as missionaries.
  28. We have never had enough money to do anything we’ve ever done.
  29. The Holy Spirit does not come if the music gets louder.
  30. “God calls us to become faithful and fruitful.  The problem is we look at everybody else as fruit.”- Rick Warren
  31. In America we think bigger is better.  Question – how has this country really changed?
  32. In Rwanda, 40% of the health care is delivered by the church because of the P.E.A.C.E. plan.
  33. We live in a culture that values youth?…If you’re old there’s wisdom.
  34. We have to redefine what success is.
  35. “Can’t we all just get along?”  As a leader I can’t have that theology.
  36. I hope you have someone in your life who is not impressed with you…Worship ain’t designed for man.
  37. Gluttony is a sin.
  38. We stand under a perpetual shower of grace named Jesus.
  39. As a shepherd if we have not created systems for you to be successful we have failed.
  40. We outlawed the phrase “I work at Transformation Church”.


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Brian Dodd

Brian Dodd is the author and content coordinator for Brian Dodd On Leadership. In addition to overseeing this site's content, Brian is Director of New Ministry Partnerships for INJOY Stewardship Solutions where he helps churches develop cultures of generosity. Brian has also authored the critically-acclaimed book The 10 Indispensable Practices Of The 2-Minute Leader.