Live Blog From Double Conference: 35 Leadership Quotes From Perry Noble – Day 2

In an effort to add maximum value to pastors and church leaders, INJOY Stewardship Solutions has dispatched me to attend the Double Conference at NewSpring Church.  I will be bringing some of the top leadership lessons from the conference designed to challenge and equip pastors and church leaders to double in weekly attendance.

The sensational senior pastor of NewSpring Church Perry Noble opened Day 2 the conference.  The following are 35 leadership quotes and lessons about the process of doubling your church attendance:

  1. You’re into church growth because God is in to church growth.  And since Jesus is into church growth, if you’re not then you’re not into Jesus.
  2. If your people speak the same language many people will accuse you of being a cult.
  3. Pretty soon those who speak against you will be ashamed because of what Jesus is doing.
  4. Too many people go to the Burger King church – have it your way right away.
  5. I’m not racist.  I love white people.  They just can’t dance.
  6. God didn’t lead your church through imitation.  He called you to lead it through revelation.
  7. Imitation will get you started but revelation will take you where you want to go.
  8. The Personnel Committee doesn’t do anything but tells everyone else at the church what to do.
  9. No one has died from second-hand dancing.
  10. God had to teach me the process of submitting to authority.
  11. One of the biggest mistakes a church or leader can make is to care more about progress than the process.
  12. Don’t apologize for wanting to fulfill the Great Commission.
  13. To double you will realize mistakes you have made and will make new ones all over again.
  14. You don’t make progress because you’re perfect.  You make progress by making mistakes and correcting them.
  15. You can’t pray away a mistake God has called you to deal with.
  16. The way to deal with wrong decisions is to deal with them and then make right decisions.
  17. Don’t confuse benevolence with ministry.
  18. You’ve got to make tough decisions if you want to make progress.
  19. It’s the people who push through frustrations that see breakthroughs.
  20. When making progress most people don’t leave quietly.
  21. When someone says, “You’ve changed.”  I say, “Thank God.  I hope I’m changing all the time.”
  22. If you have to tell someone you’re anointed, you’re not.
  23. Only thing wrong with skinny jeans are people who are not skinny trying to get into skinny jeans.
  24. With social media, too many leaders want to be discovered and not developed.
  25. Nothing is more crippling to a church than an insecure leader.
  26. The reason many churches don’t let youth ministries thrive is the senior pastor is insecure because of the youth pastor.
  27. We all know t-shirt bible verses.
  28. If we made a full-length movie of the bible it would be NC-17.  We have G-rated the bible.
  29. You will never have authority if you don’t know how to work under authority.
  30. One of the only things about ministry that gets on my nerves is people.
  31. When you get done preaching, normal people go home.  But “they” find you every Sunday.
  32. What do I do with all these weird people?  Love them.
  33. Process is greater than Progress.
  34. God could raise you to a level you could never raise yourself if you submit to the progress.
  35. The church is great today because we have a Savior who was committed to a process.

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As a gift to all pastors and church leaders reading this post, INJOY Stewardship Solutions is pleased to offer your the FREE copy of our latest Ebook Nothing Grows A Church Faster.  This resource contains a complete done-for-you sermon series with outlines on stewardship and generosity.  This information will relieve stress and make you a better preacher.  Click HERE or on the image to the left to download this information.  Enjoy!

Brian Dodd

Brian Dodd is the author and content coordinator for Brian Dodd On Leadership. In addition to overseeing this site's content, Brian is Director of New Ministry Partnerships for INJOY Stewardship Solutions where he helps churches develop cultures of generosity. Brian has also authored the critically-acclaimed book The 10 Indispensable Practices Of The 2-Minute Leader.