26 Quotes And Lessons For Pastors Looking For Hope

Leaders do not lack for information.  But they are dying for inspiration.  Mike Linch, senior pastor of NorthStar Church in Kennesaw, Ga, is one of the most inspirational leaders I know.

Earlier today, the team at INJOY Stewardship Solutions gathered a group of pastors and church leaders together for an event called Capital Campaign University.  Mike opened the event discussing the role hope plays in Christian leadership.

The following are 26 Lessons For Pastors Looking For Hope from Mike’s amazing session:

  1. You learn a lot of lessons when you have been somewhere a long time.
  2. We judge moments. We don’t judge things by the length of times.
  3. My journey is probably no different than your journey.
  4. The trip that you are on is a journey.
  5. No matter how it may look God is in control.
  6. When we look at our life in shap shots, it looks like God has forgotten us. I’ve got good news. God has not forgotten you.
  7. Timing is everything.
  8. Moses got caught up in what he wanted his role to be more than what God wanted his role to be.
  9. Times in the desert are never wasted. For 14,600 days, Moses was a shepherd.
  10. We don’t like desert seasons as a church.
  11. In desert seasons, we bail out too quick and we don’t fully learn the lessons God wants us to learn.
  12. Moses was able to be used because he stayed strong in the desert.
  13. The most fun times are when you’re bringing buildings out of the ground. The worst times are paying for the buildings you brought out of the ground.
  14. God shapes who we need to be when we think He is least at work.
  15. Moses at 40 didn’t have the heart of a shepherd. He had the heart of a military leader.
  16. Sometimes when we think God is up to the least, He is up to the most.
  17. We always want life to be good. But life is not always good. Not every quarter of a game is good.
  18. When we feel the least usable, God uses us the most.
  19. God had all of Moses. Not just his talents. He had his heart.
  20. Never be too big to listen to others. You’re never too big to listen to others.
  21. The best ideas always come from the guys who are the hungriest and youngest.
  22. We get in trouble when we think we know everything and don’t ask for help.
  23. Never let obstacles deter you from what God told you to do.
  24. If God’s called you to a task, He is more than capable of getting you through the task He has called you to.
  25. In the end, God will reward your faithfulness and faith.
  26. I don’t know where you are at in the journey, but this I know. God will see you through the journey if you keep walking with Him.

I hope these quotes encourage you today.

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Brian Dodd

Brian Dodd is the author and content coordinator for Brian Dodd On Leadership. In addition to overseeing this site's content, Brian is Director of New Ministry Partnerships for INJOY Stewardship Solutions where he helps churches develop cultures of generosity. Brian has also authored the critically-acclaimed book The 10 Indispensable Practices Of The 2-Minute Leader.