
In an effort to add value to pastors and church leaders, INJOY Stewardship Solutions has dispatched me to attend an event called Duck Tape Workshop.  This event is designed to help growing churches deliver ministry excellence without the extravagance.

As a special gift to pastors reading these posts, INJOY Stewardship is offering a free report called The Giving Growth Opportunity.  This amazing tool tells you how much your church’s income would be if everyone in your church gave.  Click Here Or On The Image Above to Download this Free Resource! 

The morning’s first breakout session was also conducted by Pastor Jeff Kapusta entitled Sink or Swim. What The Church Can Learn From The Public Pool.

Jeff  is the founding and Lead Pastor of Lifepoint Church.  In 2005 he founded Lifepoint in Wilmington, NC which has grown to nearly 2,000 weekly attenders. In 2009, Jeff was awarded with Liberty University’s Church Planter of the Year award.

The following are 75 Leadership Lessons And Quotes From Jeff Kapusta from the Duck Tape Workshop:

  1. A lot of what we do we learn when we get in it.
  2. The deep end is awesome if you know how to swim. The deep end is terrifying if you don’t know how to swim.
  3. We all learned to swim in the shallow end of the pool.
  4. At Lifepoint Church, we wanted the most amazing shallow end as possible.
  5. A lot of people like the idea of reaching unchurched people, but when it happens people are like, “This is not what we signed up for.”
  6. If we don’t want to reach people who don’t know how to swim, we have to hang out in the shallow end.
  7. There’s a natural tendency to cater to those who want to go deep at the expense of those who don’t know how to swim.
  8. People who want to go deep will tell you. People who don’t know how to swim simply don’t come back.
  9. Every major move of our church we lost a top-level giver.
  10. Deep people pay for the vision but the vision is not for sale.
  11. The longer a person has been in church the harder it is to imagine what life is like outside of church.
  12. We don’t know the anxiety of showing up to a church we’re unfamiliar with.
  13. Appearance matters.
  14. The front door of our church is not the front door of our church anymore. It’s our website. It’s our Twitter feed.
  15. People will check us out online before they ever check us out on person.
  16. The moment people show up they have a perception of who we are. Their perception shapes their reality.
  17. Is your facility inviting?
  18. What if you become comfortable overlooking what fresh eyes can’t look past?
  19. Laughter matters.
  20. The one thing people don’t expect to find when they go to church are friendly faces.
  21. You need to find out how to put friendly people all over the place.
  22. If we can put a smile on somebody’s face we disarm them.
  23. We want to be life giving. We’ve all been to life draining churches.
  24. Signage matters.
  25. 3 things every visitor wants to know – Where do I go? Where do my kids go? Where do I go when I got to go?
  26. Prioritize clear over cute all day long on signage.
  27. A lot of people have anxiety at our churches because people don’t know where to go.
  28. The kiddie pool matters. Kids ministry matters.
  29. You can’t invest too much money in kids matter.
  30. You will ask your kids two questions, “What did you learn? Did you have fun?”
  31. Kids drive the family.
  32. Your kids ministry – Is it safe? Is it secure? Is it clean? Is it fun? Are the toys from this decade?
  33. Music matters.
  34. Your style of music should match your culture. Your quality should be excellent.
  35. The Lord deserves the absolute best. There is a right position for everyone.
  36. You can have a great band and a horrible sound guy. A bad mix can destroy your service.
  37. The length of music matters.
  38. Music will always be one of the most divisive topics in the church.
  39. Our church’s music will always be bent to the generation coming up.
  40. If we’re unable to adapt our music to the generation coming up, we value our preferences over the next generation.
  41. God doesn’t have a favorite genre.
  42. I think God loves it loud.
  43. Music is a tool.
  44. We are trying to use what is cultural to communicate Christ.
  45. We want people to say, “Hey, I know that song. Maybe they know me.”
  46. Message matters.
  47. One of the most exhausting things I do is sit down and write messages.
  48. Assume Nothing. There is nothing easier to do than preach to people who know the Bible. When preaching people who don’t go to church assume nothing.
  49. Every single week someone’s there for the first time.
  50. Assume they don’t know our stories.
  51. Be Biblical.
  52. I hear a lot of messages that are good ideas but they’re not God ideas.
  53. People want to know what the Bible says.
  54. Call them to action. What do I want them to do?
  55. When you get in the Bible, it gets in us.
  56. Sometimes I read the Bible for depth. Sometimes I read for distance. I always read for application.
  57. We have to redefine what deep means.
  58. There are three types of people in our churches. There are seasoned believers. There are new believers. There are non-believers. You’ve got to somehow preach a message that lands with all three. I’m so thankful for the Holy Spirit.
  59. For those who want to go deep, we’ve got groups for that.
  60. The deepest thing a mature believer can do is get out the deep end and go to the shallow end and help someone know how to swim.
  61. We’re constantly reinvesting in those we want to reach.
  62. I don’t live in an unchurched community. They’re dechurched.
  63. There’s a Lifepointe experience we’re trying to create.
  64. Sundays happen every seven days.
  65. We’re very particular about what we create that goes outside the doors of Lifepointe Church. It has to be great.
  66. Fun is a big deal.
  67. There was something very attractional about Jesus. Yes, He raised the dead but children wanted to be around Him.
  68. The definition of “entertain” is to hold someone’s interest.
  69. I really think we’ve got a fun God. Have you seen a sunset?
  70. My favorite comedians make fun of themselves.
  71. I would love to hire a Director of Fun for our staff.
  72. My words will return void. His Word will not.
  73. I love preaching on money. How many topics will touch everyone in the room?
  74. Truth with no grace has no friends. Grace with no truth has not backbone.
  75. I don’t care what you’re dealing with, the answer is Jesus.

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