Live Blog Vision 2017 Pastors Roundtable – 45 Quotes On Fully-Funding Vision From Joseph Sangl Part 1

The morning’s first speaker was Joseph Sangl.  His insights are just brilliant.  Joe is the president and CEO of INJOY Stewardship Solutions and founder of I Was Broke. Now I’m Not. His passion is helping churches and individuals accomplish far more than they ever thought possible with their finances.
Also, as a special gift to everyone reading these posts, INJOY Stewardship would like to invest in your leadership by offering you the FREE ebook How To Disciple Financial Leaders.  Click HERE or on the image below to receive your complimentary copy.The following are 45 Quotes On Fully-Funding Vision From Joe Sangl Part 1 from his incredible session:

  1. Throughout Scripture we see agricultural language – sowing, reaping, harvest, etc…
  2. Your church cannot function without profit. It will cease to exist if you have more funds going out than coming in.
  3. A financial stress will lead to mess.
  4. If a church operates without margin, it cannot focus on its mission.
  5. You have to constantly be planting seeds of generosity.
  6. A church, on average, loses 22% of its givers every year. If you want to just stay even, you have to replace 22-30% every year.
  7. You have to grow up your givers.
  8. You have to be planting seeds of generosity way before the harvest.
  9. 94% of all wealth is in non-liquid assets. Only 6% of wealth is liquid.
  10. Currency should have a current. It should flow.
  11. Your givers need periods of rest.
  12. There can be no out-go if you do not have income.
  13. What activities are you going to do to increase giving this year?
  14. The biggest mistake churches make today is preaching on giving and not preaching on money.
  15. We must as a church preach on the other 90%.
  16. Debt is not a sin but having so much debt we can’t live generously as God leads is.
  17. You need margin.
  18. A city without walls cannot prosper.
  19. If your church is living without financial margin, you are like a city without walls.
  20. You cannot live in a system of permanent sacrifice.
  21. Margin gives space so that if the enemy attacks you do not have to come off the wall.
  22. An ideal time to speak on margin is the 2nd or 3rd weekend of September.
  23. In two years your online giving should be 50%.
  24. You cannot grow closer to Jesus without growing in generosity.
  25. When you give you’re helping raise up the next generation.
  26. 70% of people in a church do not have a written will.
  27. In the presence of many special offerings none of them will be special.
  28. I’m going to write a check to somebody. I’m writing a check to where the vision is flowing.
  29. There are three categories of families in your church – Struggling, Stable and Surplus.
  30. Struggling – Teach them budgeting. They need to be giving.
  31. More money does not change who you are. It just puts a megaphone to you.
  32. Teach them saving. Saving allows them to build margin.
  33. Stability – Help them manage debt in a wise manner. Talk to them about investing and planning.
  34. Surplus – Teach them about new worth. Talk about inheritance.  Talk about estate planning.
  35. Americans are now in as much debt as the peak of the trouble in 2008.
  36. More than half Americans have less than $1,000 in their savings account.
  37. The church should be the best funded, best led and most effective organization in town.
  38. If your church is struggling talk about vision.
  39. If your church is struggling give them stewardship education.
  40. The church needs to have a budget. It must balance faith with wisdom.
  41. 59% of churches reported flat-line or decreased giving.
  42. The competition for the giving dollar has never been greater.
  43. Financial leaders are some of the loneliest people on the planet.
  44. If the only time you talk to financial leaders is when you want money, the next time you call them they will put their wallet away.
  45. You don’t want financial leaders saying, “What are you doing?” You want them saying, “What are we doing?”

What an incredible way to start the day!  Be sure to check back for more sessions throughout the morning.  Next up is Pastor Dr. Dwight Riddick.

As mentioned above, INJOY Stewardship Solutions is offering all pastors and church leaders the FREE resource How To Disciple Financial Leaders.  Preaching on money is tough. While it is very important, you don’t want people to think you are just after their money. In this eBook, we discuss how to disciple and shepard the financial leaders in your church with integrity and effectiveness.  Click HERE or on the image below to receive your complimentary copy.

Brian Dodd

Brian Dodd is the author and content coordinator for Brian Dodd On Leadership. In addition to overseeing this site's content, Brian is Director of New Ministry Partnerships for INJOY Stewardship Solutions where he helps churches develop cultures of generosity. Brian has also authored the critically-acclaimed book The 10 Indispensable Practices Of The 2-Minute Leader.