The Top 10 Leadership Posts I Read The Week Of March 4th

Before getting to this week’s Top 10 list, I want to share with you the above Tweet with you from Pastor Don Hattaway of Cartersville, GA.  We are seeing an alarmingly large number of Christian leaders hijacking and jockeying for position on a variety of topics.  I felt Don’s thoughts provided a proper and sobering perspective.

The following are some posts from the previous week you may have missed:

Now as promised, the following are The Top 10 Leadership Posts I Read The Week Of March 4th:

  1. Why It May Be Good And Time For A Church To Die by Paul Alexander
  2. 7 Crucial Lessons I’ve Learned The Hard Way by Greg Atkinson
  3. 7 Things They Didn’t Teach You In Seminary About Funerals by Rich Birch
  4. The Difference Between Promise And Performance by Phil Cooke
  5. The Positive Side Of Leading Under Pressure by Brandon A. Cox
  6. 7 Unspoken, Unseen Traits That Make Leaders Great by Ron Edmondson
  7. Dealing With Hostility As A Speaker by Dr. Nick Morgan via
  8. I’m Exhausted – How Do I Recharge My Body Without Neglecting My Soul? by John Piper.  WOW!!! WOW!!! WOW!!!
  9. The Myth Of The Visionary by Matt Steen via
  10. 10 Indicators You Have No Margin In Your Life by Charles Stone.  Also, Charles has just released the new book Holy Noticing: The Bible, Your Brain, And The Mindful Space Between Moments.  I hope everyone picks up a copy.  Charles is an incredible and brilliant leader.

That’s my Top 10 for the week.  What other great posts did you read?

My book Timeless: 10 Enduring Practices Of Apex Leaders is available for purchase.  If you have ever wanted to become the leader God created you to be, this book is for you!  By combining leadership lessons from biblical heroes like Jesus, Daniel and Joseph, along with modern day leaders like Bill Gates, Nick Saban, Kobe Bryant and multiple pastors, Timeless will equip and inspire you.  This book is not to be read alone.  Discussion questions are included in each chapter allowing you to develop those in your circle of influence.  Click HERE or on the image provided and order your copies TODAY.

Brian Dodd

Brian Dodd is the author and content coordinator for Brian Dodd On Leadership. In addition to overseeing this site's content, Brian is Director of New Ministry Partnerships for INJOY Stewardship Solutions where he helps churches develop cultures of generosity. Brian has also authored the critically-acclaimed book The 10 Indispensable Practices Of The 2-Minute Leader.