For the next several days, I will be attending the Renew Leadership Conference hosted by Union Baptist Church and Bishop Sir Walter Mack in Winston-Salem, NC.  I have been dispatched by INJOY Stewardship Solutions to add value to those in attendance and capture the best leadership insights I gleaned from an all-star lineup of speakers.

If your church needs to raise capital in the next year, the INJOY Stewardship wants to add value to you as well.  Simple click HERE to learn the giving capacity of your church and how much you can raise in your giving effort.

The first session was was “Renewing The Church With Innovative and Creative Strategies” by the incomparable Bishop Sir Walter Mack of Union Baptist Church in Winston-Salem, NC.  The following are 55 quotes from his incredible session:

First some introductory comments from Dr. Harold Hudson, Associate Dean for Doctrinal Studies of United Theological Studies:

  1. ISIS has become part of our lives. We do not know if we will live or die by the hands of terrorists.
  2. If you are to get through things, you need to know where your help comes from.
  3. Trouble does not last forever if you are a child of the King.
  4. God did not bring you this from in 2019 to leave you.
  5. The reason things sometime goes downhill is because you forgot who helped you in the past.
  6. Your help does not come from buying lottery tickets but the Lord.
  7. God is for you and on your side.
  8. In crisis, the devil comes to mess with your emotions… but your heart is still fixed on God.
  9. You must keep your heart fixed so you can praise God in the midst of your crisis.
  10. The devil will make you put down what God has allowed you to pick up.

Bishop Sir Walter Mack

  1. If you’re not careful, we the church think we have it made but we’re not even ready for what’s coming.
  2. The average church in America is functioning 30-40 years behind the times. Most of our churches are functioning as if its 1982.
  3. It’s apparent we are living in a hostile culture and are we ready to deal with that from a church perspective. This week three churches were burned down and some of us are fighting against security measures.
  4. 74% admit to hearing cursing. 68% admit to cussing.  30-60% of cheating takes place in every marriage.  60% lies every 10 minutes.  20% of professed Christians attend church weekly.  74% of African-Americans like LeBron James vs 23% of Caucasians.
  5. Your ministry is not called to just your pews but to change your city and region.
  6. The NFL can get people to sit in the snow and we can’t get people to come to church.
  7. The generation that gave money to the church are dying out.
  8. Millennials give according to causes as long as you come up with something good to do.The problem is you’ve got to keep coming up with something good to do.
  9. 80% of tithers were able to payoff their credit card bills.
  10. 74% of tithers no longer have car payments.
  11. 48% of tithers no longer have mortgage payments.
  12. 28% of tithers are completely debt free.
  13. #1 You must have a vision plan for your ministry.
  14. Leadership matters. Success is determined by who you recruit to evolve your church.
  15. Vision without execution is hallucination.
  16. Vision is better than baggage.
  17. Most of us complain about what happened rather than seeing what could be.
  18. Vision is seeing something that’s not there yet.
  19. Most of us can never see the vision of the church because we don’t have vision ourselves. Vision is personal.
  20. There is a difference between tradition and traditionalism. Tradition is the living faith of the dead.  Some traditions are good.  Traditionalism is the dead faith of the living.
  21. If you look around your circle and your circle doesn’t inspire you, it’s not your circle. It’s your cage.  Some churches have become a cage.  But we have the key to unlock the cage.
  22. If you as the leader are in a cage, the church is in a cage. The church is only going as far as you are going.
  23. We are losing members over stupid policies that don’t make sense.
  24. Financial issues are the ceiling for most of our leadership.
  25. You are not hired but were chosen. – Bishop Mack on the Ritz Carlton hiring practices.
  26. Quality is key.

Just incredible wisdom!  The next session will be Doing Ministry Like Chick-Fil-A: Inviting Good Customer Service Into Your Ministry.

My book Timeless: 10 Enduring Practices Of Apex Leaders is available for purchase.  If you have ever wanted to become the leader God created you to be, this book is for you!  By combining leadership lessons from biblical heroes like Jesus, Daniel and Joseph, along with modern day leaders like Bill Gates, Nick Saban, Kobe Bryant and multiple pastors, Timeless will equip and inspire you.  This book is not to be read alone.  Discussion questions are included in each chapter allowing you to develop those in your circle of influence.  Click HERE or on the image provided and order your copies TODAY.



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