For the next two days INJOY Stewardship Solutions is dispatching me to attend the 2019 Global Leadership Summit.  This event will be two days of deep-dive learning and viewed by over 405,000 globally.  As a special gift to everyone reading these posts, INJOY Stewardship Solutions offering a complimentary downloadable Ebook entitled “How To Negotiate A Pay Raise.”  Click Here or on the image provided to Download this Free Resource! 

The Summit’s final speaker was Craig Groeschel.  Just a reminder, Craig is senior pastor of Life.Church, an innovative church meeting in multiple U.S. locations and globally online. Known for its missional approach utilizing the latest technology, Life.Church is the creator of the YouVersion Bible App—downloaded in every country.  Just a reminder if you missed the first session, click 2019 Global Leadership Summit – 37 Leadership Quotes From Craig Groeschel Opening Session.

The following are 35 quotes from his challenging session:

  1. I hope you know you are a masterpiece. You were created to do good works prepared for you in advance.
  2. Everyone wins when a leader gets better.
  3. I really, really care about you.
  4. I hate it when people hate me.
  5. Impressing you is not the same as connecting with you.
  6. I cannot just communicate to your head. I have to connect with your heart.
  7. Emotions are not only relevant and important, emotions are a catalyst for change.
  8. The fastest way to change someone’s mind is to connect with their heart.
  9. You want to communicate information that leads to action.
  10. Knowledge alone rarely leads to action.
  11. The difference between knowledge and emotion is knowledge leads to conclusions where emotion leads to action.
  12. What do I what them to know? What do I want them to feel?  What do I want them to do?
  13. The key to movement is emotion.
  14. Share stories purposefully.
  15. Stories stick but facts fade.
  16. When you use a story, you connect the heart of emotions to the strength of logic igniting a powerful action.
  17. I’m not going to push my spiritual beliefs on anybody but I’m not going to hide it.
  18. 5 billion don’t have access to a Bible in their language.
  19. If you don’t think sinning can be fun you didn’t do it right or you’re lying. Until it’s not.
  20. Stories stick. Facts fade.  No matter what you’re leading, share stories purposefully.
  21. Choose words deliberately. The words you choose determine the emotions people feel.
  22. Vision drives us. Values help create culture.  Vision and values should never be words on a wall.  They should be burned in our heart.
  23. We value reaching people. We value faith.  We value generosity.  We value empowering people.  We value serving.
  24. We’ll do anything short of sin to reach people for Christ.
  25. In my lifetime, we will be the generation that eradicate Bible poverty.
  26. We can have generic hope or make a prophetic promise.
  27. Show vulnerability thoughtfully.
  28. We may impress people with our strengths but we connect through our weaknesses.
  29. Show the people what’s in your heart. Help them know who you are, what you value. Lead with vision.  Lead with boldness.  Lead with vulnerability.
  30. People would rather follow a leader who’s always real rather than someone who’s always right.
  31. Quit whining.You’re sharp.  Fix it.
  32. You’re capable. You’re called.  You’re gifted.  You’re a masterpiece.
  33. Do what leaders do.Step into your calling.  Embrace your mission.
  34. Like never before, our world needs strong, consistent, bold, courageous and high-infused leaders.  We will lead with profound humility.  We’ll seek wisdom to make the difficult calls.  We’ll apologize when we get it wrong and we will confront injustices and right wrongs.  We’ll ask for the courage to stand up when others back down.
  35. Leaders change the world.

This has been a phenomenal event.  I hope you have enjoyed the content and become a better leader.

My book Timeless: 10 Enduring Practices Of Apex Leaders is available for purchase.  If you have ever wanted to become the leader God created you to be, this book is for you!  By combining leadership lessons from biblical heroes like Jesus, Daniel and Joseph, along with modern day leaders like Bill Gates, Nick Saban, Kobe Bryant and multiple pastors, Timeless will equip and inspire you.  This book is not to be read alone.  Discussion questions are included in each chapter allowing you to develop those in your circle of influence.  Click HERE or on the image provided and order your copies TODAY.

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