I am excited to be dispatched by INJOY Stewardship to bring you the finest and valuable leadership insights from the ReThink Leadership Digital Conference.  This event features some of today’s brightest Christian minds talking about what is needed to effectively advance the church into the future.  If you missed April’s conference, click Complete Speakers And Content From 2020 Orange And ReThink Conferences Including Andy Stanley, Carey Nieuwhof, And Others to get the information.

Also, if you are reading these posts, you have a deep interest in being a better leader.  God has also probably put a book in your heart.  If so, let me help you.  This is the system I used for my book Timeless: 10 Enduring Practices Of Apex Leaders and it will work for you.

You can get an entire self-publishing instructional kit for only $97!  That’s right, our friends at MinistryDeal have a deal that will make your book-writing dream come true. It’s the “Self-Publish Your Book – Leader’s Edition”.  Click HERE or on the image provided to order.

This Special Offer Includes 22 instructional videos, book templates, PDFs and checklists (this is so important you don’t miss anything), and even audio MP3 files.  Click HERE or on the image provided to learn more and order.  I want to help you get your book published.

I also want to invest in you as a leader.  So let’s get to the leadership lessons.

The following are 16 Leadership Quotes From Joel Mamby’s Interview of Andy Stanley During The ReThink Leadership Digital Conference:

  1. We had to make a lot of decisions (because of COVID) very quickly without a lot of information. But that’s what leaders do.
  2. I like change. I like disruption.
  3. Disruption is an opportunity for change. It’s an opportunity to retire things that need to be retired and leapfrog forward quickly if you know the changes you need to make.
  4. In times of uncertainty, we cannot provide certainty. We can only provide clarity.  In times of disruption, clarity is more important than certainty.
  5. We are going to reopen everything on August 9th.
  6. When leaders try to provide certainty, they always undermine their credibility because it involves a realm we have no control over which is the future.
  7. When parents feel good about putting them back in school, they’ll feel pretty good about bringing them back to us.
  8. We should all be better for this personally. We should all be better organizationally.
  9. Some churches were better prepared for this…. Anytime an organization is forward-leaning it is better prepared.
  10. Focus on your two or three strengths and let other people pick up the rest.
  11. My biggest regret as a leader is I did too much for too long.
  12. I tell my staff, “I’m the hood ornament and you’re the engine.”
  13. It’s OK to make mistakes. It’s just not OK to repeat mistakes.
  14. To young leaders, all you know is all you know. 20 years from you’re going to look back on this period of your life and see how wrong you were.  So the best thing you can do is to keep your hands wide-open.  Keep your mind wide-open.  Keep your heart wide-open.
  15. Be a student, not a critic.
  16. Sam Harrison said, “Pay attention to the frontiers of your ignorance.” We all have that frontier and that’s where learning happens.

It’s just been an incredible day!!!  Keep checking back later this afternoon for more lessons from an incredible line-up of speakers.

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