Live Blog – 31 Leadership Quotes From Dan Reiland On Leading Your Staff Through Reopening From The ReThink Leadership Digital Conference

I am excited to be dispatched by INJOY Stewardship to bring you the finest and valuable leadership insights from the ReThink Leadership Digital Conference.  This event features some of today’s brightest Christian minds talking about what is needed to effectively advance the church into the future.  If you missed April’s conference, click Complete Speakers And Content From 2020 Orange And ReThink Conferences Including Andy Stanley, Carey Nieuwhof, And Others to get the information.

Also, if you are reading these posts, you have a deep interest in being a better leader.  God has also probably put a book in your heart.  If so, let me help you.  This is the system I used for my book Timeless: 10 Enduring Practices Of Apex Leaders and it will work for you.

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I also want to invest in you as a leader.  So let’s get to the leadership lessons.

The day’s first breakout speaker was the wonderful Dan Reiland. Dan has served as Executive Pastor of 12Stone Church for the past 19 years.  He has served alongside John Maxwell as Executive Pastor at Skyline Church and then as VP of Leadership and Church Development for Injoy Ministries. Dan is the author of four books including his most recent Confident Leader!: Become One, Stay One. For more from Dan, click Dan Reiland’s 15 Things You Should Do When You Are Around Bigger, Stronger And Faster Leaders.

The following are 31 Leadership Quotes From Dan Reiland On Leading Your Staff Through Reopening During The ReThink Leadership Digital Conference:

  1. Their staff and professional rhythms have been disrupted and they’re coming back to something new.
  2. Your staff have experienced COVID in a personal way. We tend to talk it more culturally than personally.
  3. Your staff are in the red light, green light, and yellow light groups as well. Does your staff have permission to tell you how they’re feeling?
  4. Your staff culture has been impacted. It’s important you have an accurate pulse on your team.
  5. Fear is embedded in the culture… mostly around health issues or the economy. It’s not going to go away fast.
  6. Your job if you are leading staff is to know who is who and where they’re at. The danger is we’re moving so fast to open the doors we may forget those who are actually opening the doors.
  7. Communicate an authentic balance of confidence in your vision with the uncertainty of the future.
  8. We are all church planters with buildings.
  9. No leader has ever been able to predict the future but there is a lot about the future that is predictable.
  10. Theology – The church is designed to grow. We don’t get to decide how big it will be.  Our job is to lead.  It’s a partnership with God.
  11. Sovereignty – It’s God church and we’ve got to believe He’s with us.
  12. Calling – Are we all-in or is it a job?
  13. Help each person assess their soul and embrace their role.
  14. Our job is to re-orienate the disorienated.
  15. Have the right amount of shepherding and the right amount of developing.
  16. Trust and communication are King and Queen.
  17. It’s about honesty, clarity, and positivity. I’m not talking about pie-in-the-sky.  I’m talking about hope.
  18. When you can’t promise anything, you can commit to bold vision, being in it as a team, and having their best interests at heart.
  19. Treat each other with honor, kindness, and respect.
  20. Ultimately, you’re responsible for your own development. We have to set the table.  The same is true for mental health.  Create an environment it’s safe to talk about, you have a place to go, and you have ways to get help.
  21. Many churches are timing the opening of children’s ministry with the opening of schools because the community has deemed it to be safe.
  22. It’s not smart for church leaders to just do what we think is cool. We have to adapt to the needs of the culture and our people.
  23. The Last 10% Conversation has four elements – When you say something that needs to be said for the good of the person. You don’t want to say it because it might risk the relationship.
  24. Your staff are adults. They can take it.  They want us to give them the truth.  They may like it but they can handle it.
  25. It’s not smart for any leader to promise people they will have their jobs for the next 25 years. But you can say we’re in it together.
  26. Half you congregation will not be ready for a hard-charging staff person (when you reopen).
  27. Is a staff member’s primary need shepherding or training and development?
  28. Your staff needs to help people run when they may not be able to run themselves.
  29. My rhythms are based on exercise and prayer.  I don’t run far.  I don’t run fast.  I don’t run pretty but I run every day.
  30. We have to leave behind any notion that we get to go back and do it the way it was.
  31. Adaptability.  Resilience.  Improvement.  Three things leaders have to embrace moving forward.

What an incredible way to start the. day!!!  Keep checking back later this afternoon for more lessons from an incredible line-up of speakers.

Brian Dodd

Brian Dodd is the author and content coordinator for Brian Dodd On Leadership. In addition to overseeing this site's content, Brian is Director of New Ministry Partnerships for INJOY Stewardship Solutions where he helps churches develop cultures of generosity. Brian has also authored the critically-acclaimed book The 10 Indispensable Practices Of The 2-Minute Leader.