Yesterday, I had the privilege of attending John Maxwell’s Live2Lead Conference.  A primary theme of the event was to champion the concepts found in John’s upcoming book Change Your World: How Anyone, Anywhere Can Make a Difference and his desire for transformation.  I was gifted an advance copy and can’t recommend you purchase it enough.  Trust me!!!  It is that good!

The teaching was as fine as you will ever hear.  It will take you 7-8 minutes to read the quotes from the incredible speaker line-up shown above and a lifetime to apply them.  The following are The Best 50 Leadership Quotes From John Maxwell’s Live2Lead Conference:

Bonus Pre-Session With John Maxwell and Steve Harvey

  • “You have to get comfortable being under the spotlight.” – SH
  • “The success you want has uncomfortable built into it.” – JM
  • “To solve a problem you have to address it.  To address it you must be aware of it.” – SH
  • “I’ve never met the person who should be in charge of me.” – SH
  • “Don’t manage my giftedness.  Protect them.  They make you uniquely you.” – JM
  • “It’s not how heavy the weight is.  It’s how you carry it.” – JM

John Maxwell Opening Session

  • “Desire is the seed of every great accomplishment.  Consistency is the fruit of that seed.”
  • “You don’t have to have your act together every step.  You just take action every step.”
  • “Consistency compounds.  No one ever quit their way to the top.”
  • “Doing well at one step sets you up for the next step.  Be so good today people can’t ignore you.”
  • “Success is a series of steps, not a giant leap.  Work is not wasted.  It’s stored.  You have to store up work before it shows up.”

Kat Cole

  • “4 mindsets that allow us to be our best selves – Humility, Curiosity, Courage, Confidence.”
  • “FAIL – First Attempt At Learning.”
  • “The people closest to the action know the right decisions before the leader.  The leader’s job is to compress the timeline.”
  • “Those closest lack the language and authority to make a difference.”
  • “Young leaders often try to overcompensate with aggressiveness.”
  • “It is impossible to demand respect.  It is possible to show others they are not doing their part.

Craig Groeschel

  • “The difference between a good leader and great leader is one who anticipates rather than reacts.”
  • “The lifespans of your current systems and strategy is diminishing right now.”
  • “The Curse of Confidence.  Where you are the most sure is where you have the most to learn, (where) you’re vulnerable.”
  • “Develop situational awareness.  Discern future threats and opportunities.  Disrupt what is with what could be.”
  • “The Dunning-Kreuger Effect – people have a hard time recognizing their strengths and incompetence.  Those who rank themselves as most-skilled are the least-skilled.”
  • “Most leaders could learn from their mistakes if they were not so busy denying them.”
  • “What is a threat for one is an opportunity for others.”
  • “It you wait until you’re a 100% sure before you start, you’re too late.”

Alan Mulally

  • “You manage a secret when you don’t share problems.”
  • “Working together works.”
  • “The most important thing about the leadership team is to hold themselves accountable to the stakeholders of the process.”
  • “In crisis, include everybody.  Understand the current reality.  Develop a plan.  Love everyone.”
  • “Leaders are carrying a heavy weight.  Don’t violate your values and add to that weight.”

Steve Harvey

  • “Your career is what you’re paid for.  Your calling is what you’re made for.”
  • “3 things can ruin your career – Women, Drugs, Taxes.”
  • “The process is hard.  Success is hard.  I’ve been successful and unsuccessful.  Both are hard.  The hard with being unsuccessful has no options.”
  • “The dreams absolutely free.  The hustle is sold separately.”
  • “A goal is a dream with work clothes on.”
  • “When I went from success to significance, the price got steep.”
  • “Once you’ve tasted significance, success will never satisfy again.”

John Maxwell Second Session

  • “There are no two consecutive good days in a leader’s life.  But there are many significant days.”
  • “Obedience is only understood on the backend.”
  • “Crisis is a detour.  It takes us out of our routine, upsets us, and takes us to a place we didn’t want to go.  Successful people embrace the detour.  Take the detour tour.”
  • “When you can afford to quit, you can’t afford to quit.  The compounding is the greatest at the end.  If you quit, you’ve lost the compounding.”
  • “Don’t let anyone write your story but you.”
  • “Transformation happens one table at a time.”
  • “High morale is when you say you make a difference.”
  • “Our world is in trouble.  Our country is in trouble.  We have lost our way.  I’m leadership sad.”
  • “When people have values and live in those values, people become more valuable.”
  • “How many laws do you have to write to keep bad people from going bad?”
  • “Big commitment precedes big accomplishments.”
  • “It’s the cause that drives the commitment.”
  • “4 Steps To Change Your World – 1. I want to make a difference.  2. I want to make a difference with people who want to make a difference.  3. I want to make a difference with people who want to make a difference living values that make a difference.  4. I want to make a difference with people who want to make a difference living values that make a difference taking action that makes a difference… I was born to do this.”

In conclusion, Live2Lead was an incredible event.  I can’t recommend enough you purchase the forthcoming coaching resources which will flow from the conference.  Make sure you get all of John Maxwell’s resource HERE.


I get the privilege of being a part of November’s First Impression Conference.  This is an online gathering of a diverse group of 120 thinkers, communicators, speakers, authors, storytellers, pastors, guest services practitioners, and pioneers who will encourage you in a new season of innovation and creativity.  Join me on this adventure of reaching and engaging with guests. Click HERE or on the image to the left to learn more. Make sure you use the discount code “DODD” for 50% off your ticket.  Do not miss this!!!  Because of COVID, this is a critical component for knowing best-ministry practices


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