5 Lessons From One Of The Most Innovative Things I Have Ever Seen A Leader Do

Tying a necktie.  Checking your motor oil.  Changing a flat tire.  Basic plumbing work.  These are some of the skills many adolescent males learn as they grow into young men.  But what happens if no one is in a young man’s life to teach them?

Billy Graham once said, “A coach will impact more people in one year than the average person will in an entire lifetime.  Dr. Graham would have liked Alabama high school football coach Cody Gross.  As shown in the video above, the impact Coach Gross is having on young men goes far beyond the football field.

In a program called Manly Mondays, he teaches life skills to his players that everyone should know how to do.  This is incredibly creative, yet practical.  The following are just some of the items included in the program’s curriculum:

  • Tying a necktie
  • Plugging a tire
  • Jumping off a battery
  • How to check oil and transmission fluid
  • Plumbing

Coach Gross said, “We’re here to grow them up… That’s what we’re here for.  That’s my purpose in life.  I think that’s why I live and breath – to spread the good news.”

As I watched the video above, I captured 5 Leadership Lessons From One Of The Most Innovative Things I Have Ever Seen A Coach Do:

  1. There Is No Success Without Succession – Coach Gross cares about these young men for more than just their ability to be football players.  He clearly wants to see them grow into successful husbands, fathers, and members of society.
  2. You Don’t Drift Into Growth.  It Must Be Intentional. – Life skills do not happen by accident.  Therefore, the school created a curriculum called Manly Mondays to teach these important lessons.  Simply brilliant!!!
  3.  The Importance Of CultureUrban Meyer teaches the two most important things a head coach does are acquire and develop talent and create culture.  Here is what I noticed about this school’s culture – the events were highly attended, everyone was paying attention, no side conversations were happing, when Coach Gross asked questions, everyone answered in unison, “Yes sir!”  This is a great culture.  For more on developing an incredible coaching culture, click 7 Signs Of A Winning Culture (One Is The Top Sign!).
  4. Life-Long Impact Happens In Simplicity, Not Complexity – As leaders, we think making a life-long impact on someone’s life is complicated.  In fact, it can be quite simple.  First, do you love the people you have the privilege of leading?  Second, can you make them better?  If the answer to these two questions is “Yes”, then you can make a life-long impact.
  5. Leverage Your Influence For The Good Of Others – As mentioned above, Coach Gross said, “We’re here to grow them up… That’s what we’re here for.  That’s my purpose in life.”  By thinking outside-the-box, Coach Gross is preparing these young men to enter into adulthood and be contributing members to society.  He is fulfilling his purpose.

I don’t know Coach Gross’s win/loss record.  But here is what I do know, he will likely make a more long-lasting impact in the lives of his players than many coaches who will go undefeated.

Now, I’m going to allow Coach Gross to invest in you!  Check out the video below on how to change a tire.  Trust me, this may save you from a lot of trouble!

Speaking of extraordinary leaders, during the 2019 college football season, fans were given a gift when legendary coach Urban Meyer joined Fox’s Big Noon Kickoff preview show as a studio analyst.  As a three-time national championship head coach, Coach Meyer’s ability to deliver complex leadership principles with brevity and concise terminology created a compelling experience for educated and “smart” fans.  Throughout the season, I captured Coach Meyer’s best leadership quotes from this weekly show.  I wanted to make them available to you in this new complimentary resource Urban Meyer 2019 Fox Sports Big Noon Kickoff Ebook.  

The contents includes Winning Cultures, 3 Types of Teams, Strategy and Competition, Recruiting, Rivalry Games, Personal Performance, and much, much more.  Click HERE to get your complimentary copy today!  Trust me – this resource will make you a better leader.




Brian Dodd

Brian Dodd is the author and content coordinator for Brian Dodd On Leadership. In addition to overseeing this site's content, Brian is Director of New Ministry Partnerships for INJOY Stewardship Solutions where he helps churches develop cultures of generosity. Brian has also authored the critically-acclaimed book The 10 Indispensable Practices Of The 2-Minute Leader.