Yesterday I had the privilege of attending John Maxwell’s Change Your World: How Anyone, Anywhere Can Make a Difference book tour. For those who may be new to this site, John is my spiritual hero and I had the privilege of working for him for six years.  

The best thing I can ever say about John was he was my spiritual hero before working for him… and he is still my spiritual hero after working for him.  Oftentimes, when you see behind the curtain with some individuals, you can become quite disillusioned and cynical.  This was not my experience.

So it is always a privilege to reconnect with John and his team whenever possible.

Let me just add that you need to get this book!  John and Rob Hoskins guide readers through the entire process of figuring out how to change your world.  These two leaders have been making a positive impact for decades, transforming lives, communities, and businesses around the world with a sense of mission and high regard for human dignity. They will show you how to

  • Identify your cause
  • Live out the values that make a difference
  • Become a catalyst for change
  • Join the right or recruit one of your own
  • Work together with others to make a difference
  • Measure your impact and keep improving

You can purchase a copy by clicking HERE or on the image provided.

The highlight of the day was John teaching several chapters from the book.  I want to share his lessons with you.

The following are 15 Leadership Quotes From John Maxwell From His Change Your World Book Tour:

  1. “You gain influence by adding value to people.”
  2. “When you add value, you become valuable to them.”
  3. “Our world needs change.  It’s OK, leaders love a challenge.”
  4. “You can’t lead and moan at the same time.”
  5. “Leaders always have an answer.  They bring a positive into a negative.”
  6. “We are created to make a difference.”
  7. “People want to make a difference.  They just don’t know how.”
  8. “The credibility you have as a leader is your accomplishment.”
  9. “We expect a movement will come of it (book).”
  10. “Hope has two beautiful daughters – anger and courage.  Anger with the way things are and the courage to make a difference.”
  11. “Anyone can learn and live good values.”
  12. “Valuing people is foundational to changing your world.”
  13. “The smallest action is better than the biggest intention.  No one ever intended their way into greatness.  We’ve been waiting on others to change the world.  You don’t get attention by talking.  You get attention by taking action.”
  14. “People do what people see.  You align a culture by being the culture.”
  15. “Society has never seen a good picture of transformation.  The world is hungry to get better.”

John also taught the audience 5 Questions Leaders Should Ask Themselves In A Crisis:

  1. What do I feel?  “I want to always emotionally connect with people.  Do they know you care?  Listen, learn, and then lead.  I don’t need to be emotionally controlled, just connected.”
  2. What do I see?  “You must see more than others.  People usually only see the need in a crisis.  You need more.  See beyond the hurts.  You want to see beyond your pain and circumstances.  Immaturity is seeing things from only your point of view.  Maturity is seeing things from others’ points of view.”
  3. What do I think?  “You can’t sustain a movement by negativity.  During a crisis, you have to spend more time thinking because no one else is.”
  4. What do I know?  “During a crisis, knowledge is overrated.  There’s always an answer, usually more than one answer.  They (leaders with answers) lead with security and confidence.”
  5. What do I do?  “It has to help us and make us better.  There is no hope without help.  With hope you have to throw a rope.  You can curse the darkness or turn on a light.”

Once again, spending a day with John Maxwell is always an incredible experience.  Yesterday was no different.  I can’t recommend enough you get the book Change Your World.

What is one thing you learned from John’s comments above which will make you a better leader?

The Top 100 Leadership Quotes From 2020 is my latest ebook.  The wisdom contained in these pages from top business leaders, pastors, coaches, and superlative thinkers sustained countless leaders in the most turbulent year anyone can remember.  If you want to be the best leader you can possibly be, click HERE or on the image provided to download this FREE resource.  The lessons learned from last year, if applied, will sustain you for years to come.

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