We all want to work with people we love spending time with.  In fact, Shawn Lovejoy said in this past week’s Courage To Lead Live Conference that life is too short to spend it with critics.  We all understand his comments.  So the questions become obvious – As leaders, how can we ensure we can have true biblical community within our team with healthy conflict and still be highly productive?

Earlier this week, I captured Shawn’s opening session in the post – 5 Ways To Build Killer Teams from Shawn Lovejoy’s Opening Session of Courage To Lead Live.

The following are the leadership quotes from Pastor Leonce Crump as well as Shawn Lovejoy’s closing session from the conference.  Shawn addresses the issue of biblical community in his comments.

Leonce Crump on Cultivating the Courage to Celebrate Setbacks

  1. “First, you have to shift your mentality. We have a culture that does not celebrate setbacks.”
  2. “Our greatest victories will be on the other side of our greatest setbacks.”
  3. “You cannot celebrate what you are unwilling to own… especially senior leaders.”
  4. “You have to fully process your failure to mine it for lessons.”
  5. “Every loss comes with pain.”
  6. “You have to take the time to cultivate your own emotional health.”
  7. “Leadership pain is inevitable.”
  8. “You have to see failure as an opportunity to produce wisdom.”
  9. “We live in a knowledge age. There’s almost nothing you cannot know.”
  10. “Knowledge is not wisdom. Wisdom is knowledge applied.”
  11. “Michael Jordan was famous for taking his failures and turning it into wisdom, and taking wisdom and turning it into practice, and taking practice and turning it into championships.”

Shawn Lovejoy on Having Tough Conversations

  1. “I’ve been coaching leaders for 20 years. Elite teams don’t struggle having the tough conversations.”
  2. “Stuck organizations are afraid to have tough conversations.”
  3. “We must give up comfort to experience the next level of community.”
  4. “We’ll talk about somebody rather than talk to somebody.”
  5. “An enemy multiplies kisses.”
  6. “We’re going to kiss each other on the cheek and stab you in the back.”
  7. “The opposite of conflict is not peace. It is artificial harmony.”
  8. “You cannot have true biblical community until you have first had conflict.”
  9. “I need to give up some comfort in the room to experience real community.”
  10. “We have to give up control to gain more influence.”
  11. “Why do organizations get stuck? Because leaders want to make all the decisions.”
  12. “You can manage lots of people. You can’t invest and replicate yourself in lots of people.”
  13. “An organization simply cannot grow faster than the pace it makes decisions.”
  14. “Fast growing companies and ministries make more bad decisions. They just repair them faster.”
  15. “You have to give up certainty to gain altitude.”
  16. “Fear comes from our enemy who comes to steal, kill, and destroy the health in our organization.”
  17. “You can’t allow fear to paralyze you.”
  18. “Don’t ever quit on Monday. It always gets better on Tuesday.”
  19. “If God has given you a vision and you have quit on it, that is the definition of sin.”
  20. “You silence your critics through consistency.”
  21. “Consider yourself an interim leader. You are going to leave.  The self-aware leader knows it before anyone else.”
  22. “Leadership is influence.”
  23. “You can go faster by yourself but you can get more done with a team.”
  24. “Teams move at the speed of trust.”

Additional Comments

  1. “You must have partners at home who will cheer for you no matter what. Life is too short to surround yourself with critics.” – SL
  2. “Jesus does not condemn… When my identity is rooted in my being and not my doing, my failures are not rooted in my person.” – LC
  3. “The number thing you owe your leader is honesty. Talk to your leader, not about your leader.  That private conversation gives you public leverage.” – SL
  4. “Courage is a journey and we’re all on a journey.” – SL
  5. “As Christ followers, we don’t have to invent the vision. We have to uncover it and contextualize it.” – SL
  6. “Vision leaks first in the leader.” – SL
  7. “You have to be the culture you want to build.” – SL
  8. “Our number core value at Courage To Lead is health.” – SL

What is one thing you learned from Shawn and Pastor Leonce which will make you a better leader?

The Top 100 Leadership Quotes From 2020 is my latest ebook.  The wisdom contained in these pages from top business leaders, pastors, coaches, and superlative thinkers sustained countless leaders in the most turbulent year anyone can remember.  If you want to be the best leader you can possibly be, click HERE or on the image provided to download this FREE resource.  The lessons learned from last year, if applied, will sustain you for years to come.

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