The Top 10 Most Read Leadership Posts Of 2021 As Determined By You The Readers

A Personal Note From Brian Dodd

Because of you, the readers, and the incredible community of leaders we have built, 2021 was a remarkable year for Brian Dodd On Leadership.  It was an absolute privilege to invest in your leadership.

I personally know how busy leaders are.  For you to give me any of your time and attention is very humbling.  I consider it a high-calling that I have a responsibility to steward it well.

Because of your faithful support, the following were just some of this site’s achievements from last year:

  • 30% increase in daily readers since August.
  • This site was determined to be the 13th Most Read Christian Leadership Blog in the world and 38th Most Read Leadership Blog regardless of genre by Feedspot.
  • My book Timeless: 10 Enduring Practices Of Apex Leaders appeared on numerous Amazon best-seller lists throughout the year.
  • Released two new e-books
  • Numerous speaking opportunities
  • Wrote the manuscript for a new book to be released in 2022
  • The podcast I co-host with Captain Jeff Wright, The Pursuit Of Service Podcast, continued to grow in popularity.
  • And what I’m really excited about is the recent release of my 11-module coaching course The 2-Minute Leader.  The response to this resource has been incredible and is helping thousands of leaders.  Do you want to get better as a leader, here’s your chance!  Click HERE or the image below to learn more and order.

But none of this happens without you regularly visiting this site for its content and then passing it along to your friends.

Because of this, I say “Thank You!”  You are the most loyal audience in the world and it is truly an honor to serve you.

The Top 10 List

Now as promised, the following are The Top 10 Most Read Leadership Posts Of 2021 As Determined By You The Readers:

  1. The Top 12 Conferences for Church Leaders During 2021 – A special thanks goes to Robert Carnes who helps me compile this invaluable resource for pastors and church leaders.  Obviously, it was revisited numerous times throughout the year.  Robert is already on board to help me with the 2022 list which will be coming in early January.
  2. The Top 30 Christian Leaders You Should Follow On Twitter in 2021 – Each year I share my the top leaders I feel everyone should follow on Twitter.  It always stirs up a tremendous amount of controversy.  This annual list is always a go-to resource throughout the year.  Make sure you also check back in early January for the 2022 collection of leaders!
  3. The Greatest Leadership Message I Have Ever Heard A Pastor Give – 7 Things Leaders Do That Hinder Their Churches – This past March at the Timothy Barnabas Conference, Benny Tate, senior pastor for the past 31 years of Rock Springs Church in Milner, GA, delivered the greatest leadership message I have ever heard a pastor give.  This is not a hyperbolic statement.  As I was speaking with him afterwards and told him my thoughts on his message, he said, “Brian, do you know how long it took me to write this message?  31 years.”  I knew exactly what he meant by that statement and so do many of you.  Also, I cannot recommend enough you pre-order his book Defy the Odds: How God Can Use Your Past to Shape Your Future releasing on March 8th.  I’ve gotten an advanced copy and it is outstanding!
  4. 40 Things Average People Don’t Do – Tim Elmore asks a great question in his wonderful book The Eight Paradoxes of Great Leadership: Embracing the Conflicting Demands of Today’s Workplace.  He asks, “How long does it take for an average person to earn a black belt in karate?”  The answer is what is so interesting.  Tim points out that average people don’t earn black belts.  I go on to add 40 additional things average people don’t do.
  5. 5 Things Required For You To Achieve Mastery At Anything You Do –  “I just marvel at the attention to detail.  Each guy has their own routine, and when we finish practice, they each go to their own basket, with their own coach, who goes through their routine with them.  It’s every single day.  They are pushing themselves and pushing each other.  When you think, these are possibly the three best shooters on earth and here they are working on their craft, every single day with such precision and such dedication, that’s mastery.” – Who was being talked about and what are the key learnings every leader can apply to achieve mastery at their task or assignment?  Click the link to find out.
  6. The Top 10 Leadership Posts I Read The Week Of December 20th – I want to spend a little more time on this one as there is something here all leaders can learn from.  There are two primary reasons this post made my annual Top 10 list.  First, the amount of this site’s readers has grown exponentially since August.  In fact, daily readership is up over 30% during that time.  Second, the popularity of my weekly Top 10 list has simply continued to grow over the years.  Leaders are simply busy people and don’t have time to waste.  This helps readers by cutting through clutter and getting right to the best writings and most important information.  “Just the facts ma’am.  Just the facts.”  To summarize, Increased readership + Existing loyal audience + Lack of clutter  = The 6th most read post of 2021.
  7. 13 Leadership Quotes And Lessons From Black Widow The Movie – Was there ever any doubt Scarlett Johansonn could ever carry a stand-alone big budget Marvel film?  The thing which makes movies like this, Wonder Woman and Black Panther so impactful is they are actually great movies to begin with.  Bad movies do not make a lasting impact, no matter what the message is.  What I really appreciated about this movie was there were no GDs, f-bombs, or hint at sexuality.  Just great storytelling and action.  This post also inspired the very popular article about the film’s villain The Taskmaster, Leader, You Are Being Watched.  Here Are 12 Things You Want Them To See.
  8. 11 Leadership Quotes And Lessons From Fast And Furious F9: The Fast Saga –  People like predictable environments.  Therefore, smart leaders give the people what they want and expect.  With this in mind, I bring you F9: The Fast Saga.  This was the ninth movie in the Fast and Furious franchise.  And it was what you would expect – fast cars, impossible action scenes, plenty of “that could never happen sequences”, and just your basic summer blockbuster.  You could relax, turn your brain off, suspend reality, and just have some fun.
  9. Complete Leadership Quotes and Content From Days 1 & 2 of The 2021 Global Leadership Summit – Each August, over 200,000 leaders from across the globe come together either in-person or via satellite campuses to get better as leaders.  This year’s faculty included world-class thinkers like Craig Groschel, Jamie Kern Lima, Rich Wilkerson Jr., Liz Wiseman, Albert Tate, Malcolm Gladwell, Pastor A.R. Bernard, Juliet Funt, and Dr. Francesco Gino.  No wonder it made the Top 10!
  10. The Untold Story Of What Happened At The Daycare Facility Inside The Pentagon On 9-11 – After Flight 77 hit the Pentagon on 9/11, a chaplain who happened to be assigned there told of an incident that never made the news.  Dr. George Manners, former professor at Kennesaw State University, shares it with you in this unforgettable and inspirational post.

These were my Top 10 Most Read Leadership Posts of 2021.  I can’t wait to see what 2022 brings!  Whatever it may be, I look forward to investing in your leadership next year.

The Top 60 Leadership Quotes From 2021 Part 1 is my latest ebook.  For many entering a post-pandemic environment, leadership looks completely different than the pre-pandemic world.  People are more broken now. They are more uncertain. Fear and anxiousness are unwelcome constant companions. Cultures are more unhealthy. Relationships are more dysfunctional.  Hope seems to be in short supply.  Every day seems to bring a new hacking, natural disaster, or unexpected calamity.

Therefore, the fundamentals of leadership are more important than ever. The quotes in this book deal with the basics of leadership.  If you want to be the best leader you can possibly be, click HERE or on the image provided to download this FREE resource.  The lessons learned from last year, if applied, will sustain you for years to come.

Brian Dodd

Brian Dodd is the author and content coordinator for Brian Dodd On Leadership. In addition to overseeing this site's content, Brian is Director of New Ministry Partnerships for INJOY Stewardship Solutions where he helps churches develop cultures of generosity. Brian has also authored the critically-acclaimed book The 10 Indispensable Practices Of The 2-Minute Leader.