Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky

Because of his bravery and commitment to his nation’s people, Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky is inspiring the entire world.  His steadfastness in the face of insurmountable Russian opposition is evoking memories of Winston Churchill and setting a standard for all future leaders to follow.

The prayers of the entire world are for God’s protection of President Zelensky and the people of Ukraine.

Recently, NBC’s Erin McLaughlin gave a compelling profile of the Ukrainian president which you can watch below.

13 Lessons from the Historic Leadership of Ukraine President Volodymyr Zelensky

The following are 13 Lessons from the Historic Leadership of Ukraine President Volodymyr Zelensky we learn from the NBC news feature.  These lessons paint a portrait of a desired destination at which we should all wish to arrive at as leaders.

  1. President Zelensky’s Devotion To His Country Is Celebrated Across The Globe – “He is being hailed as a hero both at home and abroad for his leadership as Russian troops invade.”
  2. President Zelensky Refuses To Leave His People Despite Great Personal Risk – A few days ago I wrote The Extraordinary Leadership of Ukrainian Parliament Member Kira Rudik.  One of the items discussed was her refusal to leave the people she represents.  Similarly, President Zelensky is steadfast in his desire to support his fellow Ukrainians.  It was noted that “Despite great personal risk, the 44-year-old has vowed to remain in Kyiv, refusing to leave his nation and his people behind.”
  3. President Zelensky Bravely Confronts His Opposition – “He posted a video calling on Russian forces to leave the country, yet another act of defiance from a president vowing to save Ukraine.”
  4. President Zelensky Provides Clarity In The Midst Of Crisis – This is one of the primary requirements of leadership. Regarding America’s offer to evacuate, President Zelensky said, “The fight is here.  I need ammunition, not a ride.”
  5. President Zelensky Inspires Others To Action – A 35-year-old Ukranian named Natasha said, “We’re still here and inspiring ordinary Ukrainians to join in the fight.”
  6. President Zelensky’s Resolve Gives Others Confidence – She added, “He gives me confidence.”
  7. President Zelensky Fights For Peace And The Next Generation – Natasha added, “For me, Zelensky is the real fighter for democracy worldwide and for the peaceful future of our children.”
  8. President Zelensky Has Compassion For Those Who Are Suffering – A former advisor said President Zelensky is “saddened by Ukrainian suffering but determined.”
  9. President Zelensky Is A True Picture Of His People… And They Are A Picture Of Him – This advisor adds, “I think this is the first time in Ukranian history that we have a truly Ukrainian president.  He’s a direct reflection of what Ukranian people are thinking, feeling, and how they are.  He’s one of us.”
  10. President Zelensky’s Most Important Leadership Responsibility Is At Home – “Zelensky is married with two children.”
  11. President Zelensky is “also Jewish, a descendant of Holocaust survivors.”
  12. President Zelensky’s Brand Is He Doesn’t Leave – “Russia’s main objective is to physically eliminate him and he hasn’t left.  That tells you what kind of man he is.”
  13. President Zelensky Has An Inner-Circle Who Supports Him – McLaughlin concludes, “Those close to his inner-circle say he has an incredible team by his side.  You see them with him in those social media videos.  That support makes all the difference.”

Once again, our prayers are for the safety of President Zelensky and the Ukrainian people.  May God protect them.

And may we be inspired by the leadership of President Zelensky to become the type of leader he is, one who stands in the face of opposition, doesn’t leave, and inspires others to do the same.

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