#QuietQuitting has been trending on TikTok. If you didn’t know that, it’s ok. However, leaders in the Church need to understand the implications of Quiet Quitting.

Quiet Quitting? What does that mean?

Here’s the deal, Quiet Quitting doesn’t mean your staff will one day disappear and give you a panic attack that you missed the Rapture.

Here’s what it means: Getting what needs to be done at work and then enjoying your life.

This is an amazing trend! We have seen Churches preach for years that we must build balance in our lives. Gen Z understands that work shouldn’t be our entire identity. As human beings, our Worship of God isn’t just about doing work or works. Instead, we must live a life that is salt and light to the world. And this is the message Gen Z is sending by Quietly Quitting.

Fun Fact: 60 percent of Gen Z Social Media influencers hope that their content will change the world, according to the 2022 Edelman Trust Barometer.

For this generation, the thirst for hope in something better has given them the ability to live life—not work themselves to death. This stands in stark contrast to the old saying, “you’re never off when you are in ministry—Pastors and Church Staff are always on the clock!”

How did this movement start?

Our lives have fundamentally changed over the last few years. Quiet Quitting is a direct result of mental burnout. Even before the Pandemic, Generations Z and X were dealing with deteriorating mental health, then add a crisis on a global scale with COVID-19.

On top of that:

  • War in Ukraine
  • Political divisions
  • The deterioration of truth via misinformation and disinformation
  • Ecurity
  • Health
  • Finances
  • Social connections
  • Keeping up with change

As human beings, these Quiet Quitters have been living life like their hair is on fire!

Fun Fact: Gen Z didn’t start the movement of Quiet Quitting. According to an LA Times article, Gen Xers were the first to quit!

Is this quiet quitting just being lazy?

No, it was birthed by wanting to live a more flavorful life and escape the monolithic task of all work and no play. The work-from-home initiative during COVID lockdowns gave people a taste of a different style of the grind.

From the glow of our computers, we were able to get in, get done, get out. And when we were out, the life we found was much more satisfying. Personal connections were no longer hindered by the 9-to-5 barrier of work and relationships with friends, family, and church flourished.

And once you’ve tasted the sweet nectar of authentic relationships, there is no going back.

Squandering life in a cubical isn’t living.

Let’s look at the numbers:

  • 80 percent of people worldwide struggle with anxiety, disappointment, and depression–The Global Risk Report 2021
  • 30,000 Gen Xers were surveyed and over half said they’ve thought about quitting their jobs.
  • 40 percent of the Global Workforce is preparing to quit in the next six months! – McKinsey & Company
  • “Living for the weekend,” “watching the clock tick,” and “work is just a paycheck” are the mantras of most workers, according to Gallup.

All of this to say, the way we treat our staff and congregation has to change. In a remote world, work is no longer the hub of life. This provides us the opportunity to invest in building relationships connected to Jesus. Also, our team needs the freedom to get in, get done, and get out.

You can choose not to change, but change is here.

Read more about Quiet Quitting …

Do you need some help thinking through how Quiet Quitting is influencing your staff? Are you hiring new staff? I’d love to have a conversation with you!

Mark is an innovative and passionate Pastor with over 20 years of experience leading at a high level. He is known for both building and bringing teams to their full potential with his passionate vision and collaborative leadership. In 2002, Mark and his wife, Jamie, founded Maestas Consulting that specializes in helping both Churches and Non-profits.

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